Saturday 21 May 2005 . WI Cabaret.
I was surprised to discover that there are people in this community who do not know that Ron ( Hurst ) is the world's greatest jazz trombonist. I have known this for years and it was no surprise to me when I enjoyed his, and his band's, contribution to the WI Cabaret night.
I do not know the name of Ron's clarinetist, but the band decided to do Acker Bilk's number "Strangers on the Shore" with the clarinet lead. We all know it perfectly don't we? Every nuance, every pause, every tiny slither of that haunting melody. If you don't get exactly that when you hear it, then it simply isn't right, such is the power of recorded sound. That night we did get that sound with complete accuracy, and memories of other occasions when I have heard that emotive song slipped into my mind, and I suspect others' as well.
Ron's jazz was preceded by Mike's junior jazz. At first I thought that the gleaming brass I could see had a life of its own, rather like the sorcerer's apprentice, as there seemed to be shiny instruments wobbling about producing sound without human intervention. After cleaning my glasses and squinting a bit I could discern that there was a scrap of a person underneath each substantial piece of metal struggling to hold it up and to play it - instruments almost as large as the individual in some cases.
We were all greatly impressed by these young players and full credit to Mike for pulling it all together and finding the time and energy to do that. Alas, I have no pictures.
The food was to the high standards we always get from the WI and Tony Beard held the evening together with his usual aplomb and great humour.