
French Day
On Friday 27 th May we are holding a 'French Day' at school. This is to coincide with our Y6 visit to Paris , which takes place during half term. Children may wear red, white and blue, or French 'costume'. It is also 'Walk to School' day. We would like the children to assemble in the Recreation Ground car park or the Kings Arms car park at 08.40 to walk to school together.
Rounders Tournament
Many thanks to everyone who played or helped in any way with the Rounders Tournament on Monday 23 rd May. A good time was had by all and a total of £274.71 was raised which will enable us to buy new rounders equipment and make a donation to the Tsunami Education Appeal. |
Meal Time Assistant Required for September
We require a Mealtime Assistant for one hour a day (12noon - 1pm ) from September to cover a Special Needs child who is starting in the Reception Class. Please speak to Sue in the office if you require any further information or would like to apply.
(Whatever happened to "Dinner Ladies"? ed.)
DDS Vacancy - Cleaner
We require a cleaner to join our team for 10 hours per week, 3.30 - 5.30pm , 41 weeks per year. Monthly pay is £187.20. Uniform is provided and full training given. Please ring Martin Aspinall on 07836 342449 or Jobsline 01392 384358 quoting ref. no. CL725 if you are interested in finding out more.
(Don't ask me what DDS stands for. ed.) |
Stamps for Hospicecare
Ursula Radford at Buttercup Cottage, South Zeal would be grateful for any used stamps, which she saves for Hospicecare. Please leave them in her porch. |
'Kidz have your say'.
Have you checked out the rest of the website recently? It now has a special Children's page, edited by one of our ex-pupils who would welcome ideas for future months. Go to 'Kidz have your say'. |
Thank you to all the children who took part in this activity over Easter and to all their sponsors! The total raised is £836.81 to be split between Sargeant Cancer Care and The Roald Dahl Foundation. This was a successful way to encourage reading - well done everyone! Special congratulations to Y5 who raised £307.26! and to those children who read many more books than normal for a holiday period - keep it up!
Car Parking
We have had a kind offer from Jenny & Keith Gregory who are the new managers at The Kings Arms in South Zeal. They are happy for any parents to make use of their car park to the rear of the pub at the beginning and end of the school day to help ease the congestion in the village. Please make use of this offer and remember that the car park at the Recreation Ground has plenty of spaces with a footpath across to the main street available now.
The Young Farmer Magazine
We have been sent a copy of the first magazine in a new series by a company called Little Mouse Print. It is available by post at a price of £1.75 per month from LittleMousePrint@aol Tel: 07840 292211. If you would like to have a look at the first copy, please ask in the office - it has puzzles, competitions, things to do and general information about farming through the seasons.
Sainsburys Active Kids From 2 nd March to 30 th June for every £10 spent in Sainsburys, customers will receive one Active Kids Voucher. Please would you encourage your family and friends to collect these and send them to the office. We can exchange them for equipment, kit and experiences that will inspire children of all ages and abilities to share in the pleasure of being active. As an added bonus, to encourage customers and their families to share the benefit of eating a balanced diet, for every £5 spent on fresh fruit and vegetables, they will receive an extra voucher. |
COLLECTIONS - We would be grateful for any Box Tops from Nestle Cereal packets, Stars from Persil Washing Powder and used printer cartridges, all of which can be exchanged for cash/educational equipment.
UNIFORM - We have reversible coats (waterproof/fleece) with our logo for just £15 each, available in the office, all sizes available.
PLASTIC BOTLE TOPS - We have found a new outlet for these - Mrs Maria Williams from Belstone is collecting them for Mencap towards a wheelchair. Please continue to bring them in and place them in the plastic dustbin in the office lobby. Thank you.
BLANKETS/WALLPAPER - Please could we have any spare blankets/wallpaper for playtime use. Thank you.
Persil Stars
Persil are running an arts materials scheme again this year, which we are taking part in. Please collect the stars from packs of washing powder, bring them into school over the next 10 months and we can use them to receive free arts resources for school. Please encourage your family, friends and neighbours to collect for us.
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