To end this series of "Recent History", I thought that as June is the anniversary of the second year of the web site, I would celebrate it by taking another brief look at it's beginnings.
I had to visit the archives to get some information and I then realised that they are in a 'bit of a state'. When I started the site, i was learning and using an easy but not very accurate piece if software. I was also not aware of the need to keep archives. Due to this, although I may have most of the bits and pieces somewhere on my computer they are not all in the correct places at the moment. This has also not been help by several disk crashes since the start.
So, I promise I will endeavor to put some 'restoration' work into the archives in the coming months so that the next generations will have something to laugh at.
Every month I find myself remembering my initial intention which was to provide a community facility, in the hope that someone would come along and do something better. Each month I provide at least 120 new photos and edit about another 50 of other people's.The Events Calendar is the hardest to maintain as I have to pick up what I can from the local press, The Beacon, other web sites, leaflets on lampposts and the very few items people (Andy and Rosie) tell me about. This is why, when I get some feedback like Jim's letter this month, it is very welcome - even if critical. The site statistics can tell me how many visits the site gets but not how many are from people in the Beacon Villages community. |