Beacon Villages Journal |
South Tawton News |
A view from the hen house! |
- Consultation at St. Georges Chapel, Windsor .
Michael and I spent a very informative two days at St. Georges House and Chapel, Windsor last month. We took part in a consultation entitled 'Clergy and Lay spirituality - is there a difference?' Eminent speakers from among the resident Canons gave us thoughtful addresses and we had an opportunity in workshops to discuss what we heard and how it related to our experiences. There seemed to be the view that the laity will need to take a more active role in church life if the churches as we know them are to survive. We, along with representatives of nine other parishes enjoyed the opportunity to share experiences of working in rural areas. The morning Communion Services and Evensong were uplifting and especially meaningful in such a lovely setting. Our hosts, the Dean and Canons of Windsor are the Patrons of our respective parishes, South Tawton being the first parish to come under such patronage in 1347. The consultation was an excellent opportunity to get to know our patrons and deepen relationships. We learnt about the roots of that relationship while visiting the archives at St. Georges Chapel. There was also a visit to the Royal Apartments, which was breathtaking. The world is a very small place as one of the attendants we met was 'mother of the bride' at a wedding Michael took in Belstone in 2004! |

- Flower Festival Fundraiser
Well done to Wendy and Keith Redstone for raising £263 at their Open Gardens with Cream Teas on Saturday 28 th May. The money will go towards the costs of the Flower Festival due to take place at St. Andrew Church from August 19 th - 21 st and for church flowers at other times. The weather was lovely, excellent selection of plants for sale, delicious cream teas and very earnest gardening conversations to listen in on! You could tell the real gardeners, as they were the ones poking in the compost bins! I was delighted to see that Wendy only mowed her grass up as far as the trees and left a very healthy nettle patch and wild flower area just like I do! The only thing is that the nettle areas in my garden are so lush that I could claim to hold the national nettle collection! |
On 11 th and 12 th June ( 2-5 p.m. ) Jacqueline and Roger Yeates will open their garden at Blackhall Manor, South Tawton as part of the National Garden Schemes. Funds raised are for various, mainly nursing charities including Cancer Relief McMillan Fund. The South Zeal and South Tawton Open Gardens take place on the 19 th June from 10:30 - 6 p.m. Alongside the delightful gardens on view there will be coffee mornings, cream teas, plant stall and a Moor Harmony Concert at lunchtime in St. Mary Chapel, South Zeal. The photo opposite is on the edge of the graveyard at South Tawton and included in Joyce and Barry Woods Open Garden . As you can see they have been working very hard to get it ready.
- Sticklepath Community Coffee Morning
Michael and I will host our last community coffee morning on behalf of the Sticklepath village hall on Monday June 6 th from 10 a.m. to 12 noon . Thereafter, the coffee mornings are likely to take place on one Wednesday a month while the Post Office is in operation at the hall. Rumour has it that some of the local W.I. ladies will take over the running of the coffee morning - well done!
- Okehampton Choral Society in Concert - June 20 th
You are in for a treat! The Okehampton Choral Society Concert at St. Andrew Church South Tawton is an evening not to be missed! Tickets £5 may be bought at the door. Light refreshments will be available. Tip: bring a cushion, as the pews can feel a bit hard when you have been sitting for a while! |
- Summer Church Event - June 25 th
The second year of this revived event promises to be just as much fun as last year. The event opens at noon and there will be lots to see and do. Highlights include:
1:00 p.m. Line Dancing Demonstration (with audience participation!)
2:30 p.m. Children Country Dancing
3:00 p.m. Decorated Hat competition
There will also be the usual range of stalls - Bric-A-Brac, Cakes and Produce, Raffle and Bottle Stall. In church there will be a Harpist playing while you enjoy 'Puddings in Church' or wander about looking at the Art display and Ursula Radford's Embroidery display. Outside there will be skittles, Roll-a-penny, B-B-Q/Hot dogs and much more.
If you have items to donate for any of the stall please leave them at the Rectory in South Tawton or bring to the event on the day. Further details from Michael or Rosaleen TEL: 01837 849048. |
South Zeal W.I. meets on the second Thursday of every month at 7:30 p.m. in Victory Hall.
June 9 th - Peninsular Medical School
July 14 th - Animal Rescue
August - Outing-Date to be advertised
September 8 th - Lush for life-'Pamper Session'
October 13 th - Margaret Ireland: 'Flower Arranging'
November 10th - AGM & Annabelle Reynolds: Harpist
December 1 st - Christmas Social-Shelly Chapel
Alongside the monthly meeting with speaker, members enjoy a range of other events such as coffee mornings, Cabaret, Carnival and Craft Fair. New members always welcome or pop along as a visitor (50p) to any of the above. For further information telephone Frances Hucker Hon. Secretary, 840347.
- Don't Forget - Flower Festival 2005
Planning is already underway for a 'Flower Festival' at St. Andrew's Church from 19 th - 21 st August 2005. The theme 'All things Bright and Beautiful' should give flower arrangers plenty of design ideas. Further information from Wendy Redstone TEL: 840205 and in the journal next month. |