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Beacon Villages Journal



The Carnival Committee have got this years fund raising efforts going after a couple of false starts.

A Car Treasure hunt held on 17 th of April gave those who attended a brain teaser of an afternoon with clues starting in South Zeal then South Tawton onto North Tawton ,Bow and Spreyton before finally heading home.

The clues ranged from easy and obvious to the more cryptic and only those with a warped mind such as the question masters could solve a few! (Sorry Leslie Pillar I still think it was obvious about the Presidential Candidate ) .

The afternoon concluded with a barbeque (although indoors) and a profit for the day has gone to this years funds.

Following this we held a quiz night on 24 th April at the King Arms and we were very pleased to see 18 teams book in for the night's entertainment.

Quiz master Goodwin once again perplexed and frustrated many with his seemingly impossible questions together with TWO yes TWO music rounds from his collection.

Many thanks to the Kings Arms for their hospitality and for the donation of a prize for the second music round.

Thanks as always to Jim for his efforts and to Vicky for the PA equipment.

Our NEXT FUNRAISING is on Friday 20 th May with a Juniors Disco for Primary School ages at the Victory Hall from 6.30pm to 8.30pm

The usual sweets, crisp and drinks available

Please come along and support us

Diary Dates for this years fundraising


Clay Pigeon Shoot Saturday 18th June Venue & Time tba


Carnival Day 8th October


Carnival Assoc logo

2005 Carnival Sponsors

Jeffery & Pengelly Builders - official sponsors

K C Redstone

Builders & Funeral Directors    Moorlands South Zeal

e-mail us if you are interested!



Your Committee
South Zeal Carnival is one of the few village carnivals still thriving . Thanks to a bunch of hard working volunteers who organise fund raising events throughout the year and also the Carnival Day itself.

The Carnival has a strong history and continues to bring enjoyment to many with both the Carnival Day and also the fund raising events we hold.

Why do it ?
Because we've nothing better to do ?..... No, it's to do with taking and being part of the community life and showing others that the community spirit still lives on, in our villages.

Who does it ?
The carnival committee organises both the day itself and the associated fund raising, through its regular meetings (usually held at The Kings Arms in the village - with thanks to Richard & Cindy for their hospitality).

The Committee Officers

Dawn Watkins (Chair)
Andy White (Treasurer/Vice Chair )
Donna Mallett (Secretary) rcmallett@btopenworld.com
Vicki Watkins (
Minutes Secretary)


General Committee

John Shaddick, Jenny Shaddick, Kenny Shaddick
Jackie Guscott,
Maria Guscott
May Madders, Clifford White

So as you see, we are quite a mixed bunch but we always welcome any input, ideas and thought's from everyone.

What's in it for me ?
If you've ever wanted to be a bit more involved in the local community and try to give something back, this is the ideal way, as we do all our fund raising in the locality, in different venues and your help at these events (setting up the equipment, manning a stall or service or as a steward at the event) ,shows that you want to be involved and not just live within your own four walls.

Carnival Day! We always need as many helpers as possible on this day, for setting up and marshalling duties.

The Children's Afternoon Parade is one of the largest events of it's kind in the area, with a wonderful array of costumes and entries . The more popular it becomes the more help we need.

Carnival Evening we have many things going on at the same time and that's why you see all those people in fluorescent yellow jackets, running around all over the place. We never can never have enough help at this time, so if you fancy putting on a yellow jacket and giving us a hand on the night please let us know - NOW, to enable us to make the most of your help !

If this doesn't take your fancy don't worry, you can still show your support, by attending our fundraising events and the Carnival itself.

Who benefits from all of this ?
We are a non profit making group and each year we make a donation to charity. We alternate the charity chosen each year, one year a local cause and the following year a regional/national charity. Last year the donation was sent to the cancer charity CLIC. If you or your organisation would like to be considered for a donation at the end of the year, contact the committee with details (we cannot promise anything until after the Carnival when the decision is made at a committee meeting).
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