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Beacon Villages Journal
Ursula's Corner

Bad winter for bees

Members of the Okehampton Branch of the Devon Beekeepers Association gathered recently, not for their usual monthly meeting at South Zeal, but at the Waie Inn, Zeal Monachorum to enjoy the marvelous meal provided for their annual dinner that is a social highlight for guests as well as members. While this was a social occasion the branch activities of the last year, during which membership increased, and forecasts for the future were high among topics of conversation because of situations that are a cause for concern.

2004 was notable for the increased amount of swarms in the early summer that caused local councils to frequently call for help in the removal of some from public places. However the immediate and disturbing problem is the unusually high number of hives losses experienced by beekeepers across the county when colonies failed to survive the winter. It is a situation that is a cause for concern for the DBKA and across the area covered by the Okehampton Branch quite severe losses have been reported by beekeepers that have not previously experienced a problem that has the potential to affect pollination.

The spread of varroa mite, a parasite, and particularly a strain that is resistant to treatment, is considered to be an increasing problem, but there are others. Beekeepers in the area will be sharing their experiences of combating the mite with other members during the year as they meet each month, often visiting each other's apiaries, and are committed to safeguarding the bees that provide a silent service to society. Information about the Okehampton Branch and its summer plans can be obtained by calling the Branch Chairman, Bob Hurdle, on 01647 231511.



School report

Staff and pupils at South Tawton County Primary have expressed their sorrow at losing Kate Wimberley who has left due to her other commitments and expressed their thanks for her past work. Sherren Laybourn will be assisting in the office for three afternoons and one morning on a temporary basis until the end of the summer term. Vicky Watkins will be the MTA in charge of the YR children each day and Linda Lee will cover each Monday as MTA for KS2 (Vicky's previous post).

New equipment/furniture recently acquired for the school brings forth sincere thanks to those that the made the purchases possible. The school is grateful to The Manor House Hotel that donated £1500 to enable the purchase of a covered seating area, 4 pencil dustbins and two games boards for the playground. Thanks also go to FOSTPS, the 'Friends' of the school, that has funded a second covered seating area. Through the year FOSTPS organises a monthly 100 Club to raise funds and A call to the school office might confirm that it is still possible to join, at a cost of only £12, for the coming year.


Plant Sale

The South Tawton Garden Club's ever popular annual Plant Sale is being held in Belstone Village Hall at 7.00p.m on Friday, 6th May with six local plantsmen and women present with a presentation of plants that should satisfy the interests of every gardener. For well over twenty years the club has attracted enthusiastic members from across an area encompassing Chagford and North Tawton and extends its activities to organised visits to gardens of high standard and particular interest. Details of the club and its future meetings and events can be obtained from Marion Walpole on 01837 840498 or via email to chris.walpole@freeuk.com .

Society with the answers


Society with the answers

In raising the questions, 'do you ever sow the whole packet of seeds and then find every one germinates? And 'what do you do with the extras? Cheriton Bishop Horticultural Society already had the answers. Bring those extra plants along to the society's Annual Plant Sale being held in the Village Hall on Saturday May 7th . The Plant Sale will provide an opportunity to not only to pick up some fantastic bargains, but also provide an outlet for all those extra plants and if anyone would like to donate some plants the Horticultural Society will provide compost for this. The sale will also provide the opportunity to meet society organisers or, since the society always welcomes new members the Secretary, Jenny Grist on 01647 281637, will be pleased to provide further information at another time.


Whiddon Down Village Hall

2005 started well for Whiddon Down Village Hall with lots of good bookings and the committee continuing with planned improvements to the kitchen equipment and refurbishing chairs and tables; not forgetting discussing the improvement of the car -park with Dartmoor National Park. The Village Hall Annual General Meeting will take place on Tuesday 10th May at 7.30pm. and provides parishioners, hall users and potential volunteers with the opportunity to learn of the latest progress and of future plans. The Summer Fete has already been booked for Saturday 20th August and anyone with interesting ideas to make this popular family event even more fun, or those that are prepared to help organise something on the day, will be very welcome; or are invited to contact the committee if they can't make the AGM.

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