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Beacon Villages Journal South Tawton News
A view from the hen house!
Hospice Care Quilt Raffle

Castle Quilters, of which I am a member, are currently making a large bed quilt, which is being raffled in aid of Hospice Care. I think it is beautiful and I'd love to win it! Tickets are now on sale at the Hospice Care charity shop in Okehampton (arcade) or email me for names of ticket sellers in your area. The photo is of work in progress!

Coffee mornings - South Tawton and Sticklepath

I would like to extend a big thanks to everyone who supported the coffee morning at the Rectory on April 2 nd . It was a bright sunny day and a steady stream of people poured in to have coffee and a chat, buy goodies and take a chance on the raffle. Over £250 was raised for the Junior Church . Their first purchase has been a CD player. This will assist in teaching the children new hymns and songs. Children from age four and over are very welcome to join the group when they meet on the 2 nd and third Sunday of every month. While renovations are underway at Church House, Junior church will be held in the Methodist Church Hall, South Zeal. By the way have a look at the photo of Sheila Bond and Christine Cann (South Zeal). They are hoping that their raffle ticket will be pulled out of the hat! There will be a prize of a bar of chocolate for the first person who correctly guesses the item that is sticking out of Sheila's handbag!

Speaking of coffee mornings, the monthly one at Sticklepath village hall continues to be well attended. Michael and I will host the next two (May 9 th and June 6 th ) and therefore the committee are looking for volunteers to carry it on. If interested contact Peter Williams on 840757. It does not necessarily have to be run on Mondays. That just happens to be the day that suits us best! You may wish to do as we did and commit yourself to 6 months? We would be happy to discuss the practical details with any new volunteers and there is lots of potential for developing it.


I only recently heard of the superstition that having peacock feathers in the house brings bad luck! This came about when I mentioned that I'd seen a beautiful peacock at Trago Mills! Obviously in the part of Dublin where I come from such exotic birds did not feature in the daily topics of conversation! Anyway I hope you like the photo. Here are some interesting gems on the subject...

  • A peacock feather has an evil eye at the end. Argus, the Greek legend, says a hundred eyed monster was turned into a peacock with all its eyes in its tail.
  • In India , Persia and the Mediterranean region they are looked upon as bringing "good luck". 

       •  Peacocks do not just fan out their tails; they vibrate them too, making a rattling sound and showing off the shimmering colours.

       •  The eye markings on the tail are much admired by females - the more "eyes" a male has, the more mates he will attract.

       •  Peacocks have been kept as tame birds in India for over 3000 years.

       •  Peacocks are mentioned in ancient Greek, Roman and Egyptian history.

No doubt that will be the hot topic of conversation at the next dinner party you go to!
W.I. Spring meeting

April has been a busy month with lots of social events to attend. I joined Jackie Yeates and Sheila Bond in the Great Hall at Exeter University on the 21 st of April for the Devon Federation of Women's Institutes Annual Spring Meeting. Besides the more serious business of the day there were lots of opportunities for laughter. If I tell you that the guest for the afternoon was Pam Ayres you will understand. It was the first time I'd heard her perform live and I laughed until the tears ran down my face. She really is a tonic! The photo is of Jackie Yeates (on the right - President of South Zeal W.I.) joining in the standing ovation for Pam.

W.I Cabaret night - 21 st May from 7:30 p.m. to 11 p.m.

Hurry .get your ticket for this year's Cabaret night before they sell out. The price of £7 is really good value as it includes entertainment, a ploughman's supper and puddings to die for by the W.I. You may also bring your own drink! The major attraction this year is Tony Beard - The Wag from Widecome! Now he is worth going to see. Tony will be joined on the night by other local talent.

Volunteering opportunities

This month I'd like to promote volunteering opportunities with the CAB (Citizens Advice Bureau) in Okehampton. They are currently recruiting volunteer advisors. These advisors form the backbone of the service and are very well trained for the position. The recent 'Investors in people ' award is testimony to the quality of training given to staff. For further details contact Mandy Kenyon, Development Officer on 01837 52574 or email mandy.kenyon@westdevoncab.org.uk

South Zeal W.I. meets on the second Thursday of every month at 7:30 p.m. in Victory Hall.


May 12 th - Resolutions & Dorothy Stevens: 'Simple Exercise & Nutrition'

June 9 th - Peninsular Medical School

July 14 th - Animal Rescue

August - Outing-Date to be advertised

September 8 th - Lush for life-'Pamper Session'

October 13 th - Margaret Ireland: 'Flower Arranging'

November 10th - AGM & Annabelle Reynolds: Harpist

December 1 st - Christmas Social-Shelly Chapel

Alongside the monthly meeting with speaker, members enjoy a range of other events such as coffee mornings, Cabaret, Carnival and Craft Fair. New members always welcome or pop along as a visitor (50p) to any of the above. For further information telephone Frances Hucker Hon. Secretary, 840347.

  • Don't Forget - Flower Festival 2005

Planning is already underway for a 'Flower Festival' at St. Andrew's Church from 19 th - 21 st August 2005. The theme 'All things Bright and Beautiful' should give flower arrangers plenty of design ideas. Further information from Wendy Redstone TEL: 840205 and in the journal next month.