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Beacon Villages Journal
Church Services and News
Benefice of South Tawton with Belstone

Services April 2005
Please be assured of a warm welcome at all our services

Sunday 3 rd - Easter 2
8:30 a.m. Holy Communion, South Zeal (modern)
9:30 a.m. Family Communion, Belstone
11:00 a.m. Matins, South Tawton

Sunday 10 th - Easter 3
8:30 a.m. Holy Communion, ( 1662 Said) Sticklepath
9:30 a.m. Parish Communion , South Tawton
( 9:30 a.m. Junior Church at South Tawton )
11:15 a.m. Parish Communion, Belstone

Sunday 17 th - Easter 4
8:30 a.m. Holy Communion, ( 1662 Said) South Zeal
9:30 a.m. Junior Church at Church House, South Tawton
10:00 a.m . Benefice Communion, South Tawton
6:30 p.m. Taize Service, South Zeal

Sunday 24 th - Easter 5
8:30 Holy Communion, ( 1662 Said) Sticklepath
9:30 a.m. Family Communion, South Tawton
11:15 a.m. Parish Communion, Belstone
6:30 p.m. Evensong, Sticklepath

Sunday MAY 1 st - Easter 6
8:30 a.m. Holy Communion, South Zeal (modern)
9:30 a.m. Family Communion, Belstone
11:00 a.m. Matins, South Tawton


•  Sunday 10 th - Music Workshop at St. Andrew, South Tawton from 4 p.m.

•  Tuesday 12 th - Meeting of Junior Church leader with Diocesan Children's Advisor

•  Thursday 14 th - AGM Belstone 7:30 p.m.

•  Monday 18 th - AGM South Tawton 7 p.m.

•  Wednesday 27 th - Open Meeting to discuss the Future use of St. Mary, Sticklepath.                                  7:30 p.m. in the Chapel. Please bring any fresh ideas you may                                  have to support the ongoing worship in this Chapel.

All Creatures of Our God and King

St. Andrew's Church, South Tawton


9:30 a.m. Church House, SouthTawton

2 nd and 3 rd Sunday of the month

All welcome

Rectory Ramblings April 2005

Another year has past and it is time again for our parishes Annual General Meetings, Belstone April 14 th at 7.30pm in the village hall and South Tawton April 18 th at 7pm in Church House. Please be reminded that there are two distinct meetings each evening, the first being the Annual Parish Meeting also known as the meeting of parishioners at which the church wardens are elected. The people entitled to vote at this meeting are those on the church electoral roll and anyone who lives in the parish and whose name appears on the register of local government electors. At the AGM only those on the church electoral roll may speak or vote.

At recent training evenings various aspects of church were discussed. Two topics that arose were pastoral care and the timing of weekday meetings and worship. I love visiting and feel it to be an important part of my priestly ministry. I try never to impinge on individual privacy. Of course I cannot be expected to visit individuals in hospital or at home if I am not told of sickness or pastoral needs. Please inform me of anyone who you feel would benefit from a visit, especially those who have expressed such a wish.

I have noticed that some weekday services and meetings held in the evenings are poorly attended. Many people are involved in a number of clubs and societies etc that meet in the evenings, others do not like coming out after dark. I would like to suggest some daytime opportunities to get together for bible study prayer and social intercourse [what we used to call a chat] It would be good to hold a weekly meeting in both Belstone and South Tawton or anywhere in between. If you could offer a venue please let me know.

Please note the time of the music workshop in St. Andrews , 4pm April 10 th . Andrew Maries who will lead us is an authority on church music. The workshop will be very informative and enjoyable. I also hope to see many of you at the open evening to discuss the future use of St Mary's chapel Sticklepath. We hope for a positive outcome to this time of discussion and planning.


Music Workshop

 'Refreshing Music in Worship'

Lead by Andrew Maries

(Diocesan consultant for worship and music)

 St. Andrew Church , South Tawton

April 10 th

4 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Workshop

Bring and share Tea

Worship 6:30 p.m.


On Saturday 2nd April there will be a coffee morning and sale table at the Rectory, South Tawton  to raise funds for the Junior Church Group. Any cakes, preserves or bric-a-brac may be left at the Rectory in advance or brought on the day. Look forward to seeing you there!

From the registers

Holy Baptism
- Kimberley Kate Clark

RIP - Ida Wonnacott

Edith Sharp

Dorothy Jeffries

Electoral Roll

As we approach our Benefice AGM's the Electoral Rolls of both Parishes are revised. If you would like to have your name included in the Roll of either parish please complete an electoral Roll form, to be found at the back of both our churches.

For South Tawton with South Zeal please return your form to Lorinda Legge, 'Kingsley' South Zeal (840326).
For Belstone with Sticklepath please return forms to Carol Durston 1 Grove Meadow, Sticklepath (840422).
Please contact our Electoral Roll Officers if you wish to have your name removed from either Roll.

St. Mary Chapel, Sticklepath

There will be an open evening to discuss the use and future

of St. Mary Chapel at 7:30 p.m. on April 27 th in the Chapel.

Please come and share your views.

If you wish to put down on paper any thoughts and ideas before the meeting please send them by the 20 th of April to

Michael at the Rectory, South Tawton , Okehampton , EX20 2LQ .

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