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Beacon Villages Journal
Ursula's Corner

Objections to School being held responsible

Devon County Council has confirmed to parishioners in South Zeal that dealing with a long-standing problem of a danger to children that has existed in the village school's playing field is now the responsibility of the school.

Parishioners concerned that added dangers to children were being introduced by proposals in a planning application for changes to the playing field found attempts to gain information from the Parish Council and National Park Authority were being frustrated. They were also alarmed to hear that responsibilities formally accepted by DCC for existing dangers in the field had been passed on to the school. Since 1994 neighbouring landowners had co-operated with the Council in many attempts to resolve a major problem of deep mud slurry in a corner of the playing field that threatened young lives.

Advise given to DCC by professional drainage experts at the outset was never followed and despite what is believed to have been thousands of pounds spent by the Council on ditches and drains to remove the slurry all efforts failed. Forecast to be of no help, the costly installation of a drainage pipe many times the size of pipes used for local sewerage proved to be a failure. That wasted expenditure is thought to have been the responsibility of DCC but since then at some time during the last four years the responsibility for funding future efforts appears to have been transferred to the school and accepted by it the governors under a new administration scheme.

Some school governors however were unaware until recently that access to the danger area was open to children of all ages at all times and most parents are likely not to even know the dangers exist. Parishioners have now obtained professional advice from drainage experts and passed this on the school and Education Department. Similar to that given to the authorities eleven years ago it is somewhat extended to meet the needs that exist today and, whatever the new administration scheme is, parishioners consider that the village school should not now financially bear the burden of putting right the past mistakes of others.

Church House restoration

Work on the restoration of the historic Church House, South Tawton that will take five to six months to complete is expected to soon begin, following the Management Committee conducting the project confirming that the firm selected as main contractors is Darrock and Brown from Bodmin. An experienced and highly regarded company approved by both English Heritage and the Heritage Lottery Fund, Darrock and Brown is working currently on projects in Exeter, Penzance and has undertaken work on Truro Cathedral and the Mill chimney in Okehampton amongst many other heritage buildings.

The overall cost of the South Tawton project, including research work, an interpretation budget, fees and VAT is anticipated to be around £350,000 and representatives of companies and organisations involved in research, funding or support services recently met at the House. Joining David Youle the Project Manager of the Church House Management Committee there were Bill Gladwell and Arthur Britton from contractors Darrock and Brown together with Allen Van der Steen and Pip Morrison, Architects; Rebecca Child, English Heritage; Oliver Firkins of Franklin Andrews Ltd, the Lead Monitor for Heritage Lottery Fund and Fred Major of Bare, Leaning and Bare, Quantity Surveyors.

In accordance with the wishes of Heritage Lottery, the principle source of funding for the project, there will be Open Days arranged during the period of restoration to enable the public to see work in progress at first hand, subject to health and safety constraints. The work, when completed, will ensure the future of this important 15th century building that was built as an Ale house to generate funds for the upkeep of the nearby church and to act as a meeting place for the community. Church House has been variously a school, a poor house for up to six families, an army billet and an arts and exhibitions centre. It has always been a parish meeting place and will continue this function as well as being open to all every weekend from April to October next year and beyond.

A racing certainty

The South Zeal Victory Hall Committee is holding a Race Night in the hall on Friday 1 st April with doors opening at 7.00pm. Garry Smith will be cantering down to the starting line with his "horses & dice" for the first race at 7.30pm. to ensure it is a racing certainty that this will be a fun filled evening.

Entrance is 50p, to include a lucky ticket draw, refreshments will be on sale and bets will be in 50p multiples

Coffee Morning

On Saturday, 2nd April, a coffee morning in aid of South Tawton with South Zeal Junior Church, is being held in The Rectory, South Tawton, from 10.00-12.00 noon. The growth of the Junior Church has been quite remarkable in a short time and with this success the organisers are looking to a bright future for the project. The coffee morning will provide an opportunity for local people to support the venture but also for those that would like to learn more about it to achieve just that.

Walk through history

It is all too easy for visitors to be seduced by the beauty of the moorland and Skaigh valley at Belstone, enjoy an all-too-brief visit and then leave. This applies to people from the local region and visitors from afar alike but, on Sunday, 3rd April, there is the option to do more. At 2.30p.m. that day, Chris Walpole will be Belstone Village Hall ready to meet those that would like to join him on a walk during which they can learn more about History in Skaigh; and then return to the hall for tea and cake afterwards.

A fond farewell

In her tenth and final report as Head Teacher and Governor of South Tawton Primary School, Bobby Sutton said she had honestly looked forward to coming to school every single day and felt very privileged to have served the school community over the years and paid tribute to her committed and experienced staff, interested and enthusiastic parents, a dedicated governing body, and fantastic lively and inquisitive pupils.

In September 1995, when she arrived, the school had a deficit budget and very few resources due to unforeseen circumstances and had to manage a pupil role of 165 in 5 classes of mixed ages with three of the classes containing 36 pupils. Even with this situation and poor facilities the marvellous thing was that everyone managed and no one grumbled. Over the years facilities have greatly improved for the pupils and parents and there are now two Early Years classrooms which opened in 2000, and a main office re-located to the ground floor, along with an ICT suite with a network of 18 computers. The old office is now a staffroom and stockroom and an additional staff toilet was created out of an old shed. The school also now has toilet facilities for the disabled. With storage a problem, a P.E. shed has been erected on the playing field that is now owned by Devon County Council; previously it was only rented.

Mrs Sutton was proud to confirm that the school is now very well resourced with good quality books and equipment and ever-increasing ICT facilities. There are 7 single-age classes, five of which are well below 30 and only one that is above. The curriculum is broad and balanced and constantly reviewed. She ended her report by saying 'Thank you all, very sincerely, for your warmth, support and kindness over all these happy years at South Tawton Primary School - a very precious and special place.'

In the community there is a sadness at the departure of Mrs Sutton whose achievements will remain as a lasting value to pupils, parents and parishioners and who will be long remembered as a highly valued and appreciated Head Teacher.

49 Bonus Ball Club

The Victory Hall Committee would like to set up a Bonus Ball Club for one year, to help raise money to repair the rest of the flat roof on the hall. Forty-nine people are required to commit to the club for 12 months, paying £13 per quarter. Each £l invested will buy a number between 1 and 49. The person who holds the number that corresponds with the bonus ball drawn each Saturday in the National Lottery will win £25. If all 49 numbers can be sold for a year the hall will benefit by approximately £l,200. Anyone that would like to learn more, or who is already willing to commit to this club for a year by paying the £13 per quarter are asked to please contact Elspeth or Michael Brint on 82220

Dartmoor farm exhibition

For those with an interest in the Dartmoor of yesteryear, especially the working Dartmoor, the exhibition of photographs being staged in the Salar Gallery, Hatherleigh, near Okehampton from March 26th until April 30th will hold certain fascination. Most of the old photographs in the Exhibition come from a remarkable single source by kind permission of Tom & Mairi Hunt. The Hunt family have farmed in Lustleigh and Manaton parishes for over 100 years and whose forbear C. A. Hunt was one of the earliest photographers of farming life on Dartmoor. The 'Dartmoor Trust' (through John Earle of Widecombe) has kindly provided photos for the exhibition that is open Tues/Thurs/Fri /Sat 10.00am- 1p.m & 2.00 -5.00pm and on Wednesdays from 10.00a.m until 1.00p.m. and further information can be obtained by calling the Salar Gallery on 01837-810940.

Keeping tradition alive

The Beacon villages have long been supporters of jazz and Britain's number one hot vintage orchestra, The Charleston Chasers, is making a long awaited return to the county after playing to capacity crowds in Plymouth about two years ago. Since then the orchestra has continued to tour the UK playing the hit music of the 1920's to full houses in major cities and venues.

Fulfilling a promise to  return to the county it is The Barnfield Theatre, Barnfield Drive, Exeter that will be the venue for the orchestra for just one night only on Saturday 7th May at 8.00pm during a busy schedule that extends into 2006. Tickets are available from the theatre box office 01392 270891 and more information about the orchestra can be found on its website, 


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