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Beacon Villages Journal
South Zeal News

It is a shamefully long time since I contributed some nonsense or other to Pete's village website. Recently I have excused myself on the grounds that he uses a lot of my photos so at least I can feel I have done my bit.

Alas I have taken no photos at all since the demise of the Kings Arms in late February and, whilst that may say something about my social propensities, it also means that I have none to fall back on for this month..




..well there was Perry's Panto on the 24 th February at Okehampton Charter Hall! We all know Perry of course, but it may come as a surprise that the proper and formal person we see most days of the week can let his hair down. Oh yes he can! He was the Panto Dame in the Courtenay Players' production 'A Fairy Dream' wearing gorgeous frocks and beehive hairdos and possessing a very loud voice. The whole production was excellent it should be said, but Perry definitely stood out as a real professional.
This famous event was followed on 26 th February by the Belstone Players production of 'Dame Agatha's Greatest Case' with a cast comprising the whole of Belstone as far as I could see. (Janice did it I think by the way.) What I particularly liked was the way the players burst into song at the most extraordinary and unexpected moments and Jane's interjections of "Swine!" and "Beast!" at irregular intervals, much to the surprise of both the cast and the audience. I must say that I think this was one of the most enjoyable Belstone productions I have been to.
Also on the 26 th February was Richard and Cindy's leaving party. David Wyatt did an excellent job putting together a collage of photos as a memento for Richard and Cindy and you may have seen this on the website last month. The original looks really a lot better than the web copy, and we set it off in a fine frame. John Christian did an evocative picture of the Kings too. I hope that the night and all these things will be reminders of halcyon days for years to come.

Halcyon days..

There have been so many good times in the parish over the years, not just at the Kings but at Parish celebrations, the Millennium, the Jubilee, Beating the Bounds, all sorts of local public and private-but-as-good-as-public events, the South Zeal Players the Carnival, Clive's extraordinary shows, parties, weddings, quizzes, concerts Church fairs - a huge list can be compiled. But what is left when each one is over and memory fades? Was it worth it?

As a History Group member I feel obliged to record some of these events and I do so in a haphazard way by the simplest means I can - photography. I have well over a thousand pictures I should think, many of them of people laughing and generally enjoying themselves. But is that all that is left? A fraction of a second forever frozen.

I don't know. In the end I just think we should enjoy it all at face value and let future generations do as they will. Perhaps they will be able to get the merest hint of life now and these halcyon days from the photos.

The 5 th March was a great and terrifying day for Moor Harmony. I have written briefly about this day in The Beacon. It does all seem so easy months in advance to agree to participate in the Exeter Music Festival, and indeed it is great to listen to some good local music; but it is a competition as well as a festival, and we had to do our bit in front of our peers which I guess is a little daunting, especially as we were up against the massed ranks, something like 70 members, of the Exeter Festival Chorus.

However, I was inspired by the circumstances to think of two jokes that day.

The first was that when talking to an Exeter Festival Chorus singer I said that we too had had a choir of similar size, until we had announced that we were taking part in the Festival whereupon a majority of members had adjourned to the Kings Arms and had not been seen since.

The second was that the Adjudicator had said during judging that for any choir to score 90 or more she would need to feel that she would be prepared to pay to listen to them. I immediately told Jeremy that before we sang he should announce that all our concerts were free.

He didn't.

For this month a couple of things that you should come to (or I will want to know why not):

On Monday 18 th April the Annual Parish Meeting when we will show a 15 minute DVD of the Parish Day from June 2004.

On Saturday 23 April ( St George's Day) the Mummers and Brawlers will be strutting their stuff with the Pace Egging Play and dancing respectively, and it is rumoured there may be local songs thereafter - all at The Kings Arms.