Halcyon days..
There have been so many good times in the parish over the years, not just at the Kings but at Parish celebrations, the Millennium, the Jubilee, Beating the Bounds, all sorts of local public and private-but-as-good-as-public events, the South Zeal Players the Carnival, Clive's extraordinary shows, parties, weddings, quizzes, concerts Church fairs - a huge list can be compiled. But what is left when each one is over and memory fades? Was it worth it?
As a History Group member I feel obliged to record some of these events and I do so in a haphazard way by the simplest means I can - photography. I have well over a thousand pictures I should think, many of them of people laughing and generally enjoying themselves. But is that all that is left? A fraction of a second forever frozen.
I don't know. In the end I just think we should enjoy it all at face value and let future generations do as they will. Perhaps they will be able to get the merest hint of life now and these halcyon days from the photos.