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Beacon Villages Journal
South Tawton News
A view from the hen house!

On Saturday 2nd April there is a Coffee Morning & Sale Table at the South Tawton Rectory to raise funds for the Junior Church Group. Donations of cakes, preserves, bric-a-brac etc. would be gratefully received at the Rectory either in advance or on the day.

Everyone welcome!



A walk in the woods in spring

A bright spring day does much to lift my heart! Michael went fishing after Sunday services recently and I tagged along to give Chester a walk. There was much to see, hear and smell in the nearby local woods. I took the liberty of peeping into a barn on the way..aren't these lambs so sweet! Sadly the 'one that got away' dashed Michael's hope of providing me with some trout for lunch! All was not lost he said as practise makes perfect and he enjoyed some 'thinking time'!

Blooming gorgeous

A big thank you Wendy Redstone and the ladies who decorated St. Andrew Church for Easter - a wonderful display. Here are some South Tawton faces you might recognise, next to their creations..Ann Crawford, Pat Henry and Wendy Kitchen. Also have a look at the Easter Garden produced by Junior Church members which was very colourful.

Hospice Care Quilt Raffle

Castle Quilters, of which I am a member, are currently making a large bed quilt, which is to be raffled in aid of Hospice care. We worked on the quilt at my house last week and, even if I say so myself, it is beautiful and I'd love to win it! In the meantime have a look at a quilt made by Jill Allin. I'll post a photo of the raffle quilt as soon as it is finished. The companionship in the group is wonderful and I never cease to be amazed at the things we find to talk about. Sue Enderson told us about Seminole patchwork and enthralled us with stories of her visits to America , including tracking down a much forgotten Seminole Indians site in Florida . Essentially it was a story of slavery and how resourceful people are. Many of the women became seamstresses, making clothes for the rich. Any scraps of fabric left over, no matter how small were not wasted but sewn together to make clothes for themselves. Fabric strips of varying widths are stitched together and then cut into sections and re-sewn to make a more elaborate pattern. I look forward to having a go at this technique!

Volunteering opportunities

I am keen to encourage people to volunteer, as the benefits are many fold for both volunteers and recipients. In my case it has helped me gain new skills, use life and work experience and make new friends. This was especially important for me when I moved to this area twenty months ago and knew nobody! If you would like to find out what the local opportunities are, then Telephone Sue Bizley 01837 55047 at the Volunteer Bureau in Okehampton. Sue is also keen to hear from local organisations, no matter how small, which would benefit from volunteer time. I found an interesting article ' Active Ageing in Active Communities: Volunteering and the Transition to Retirement ' on www.worldvolunteerweb.org . Volunteering can play an important role in people's lives when they reach retirement. The author suggests that various barriers, both institutional and attitudinal appear to be deterring people from taking up volunteering later in life. Do go online to read the full article.

South Zeal W.I. meets on the second Thursday of every month at 7:30 p.m. in Victory Hall.


April 14 th - Geoffrey Weymouth: ' The Moor '

May 12 th - Resolutions & Dorothy Stevens: 'Simple Exercise & Nutrition'

June 9 th - Peninsular Medical School

July 14 th - Animal Rescue

August - Outing-Date to be advertised

September 8 th - Lush for life-'Pamper Session'

October 13 th - Margaret Ireland: 'Flower Arranging'

November 10th - AGM & Annabelle Reynolds: Harpist

December 1 st - Christmas Social-Shelly Chapel

Alongside the monthly meeting with speaker, members enjoy a range of other events such as coffee mornings, Cabaret, Carnival and Craft Fair. New members always welcome or pop along as a visitor (50p) to any of the above. For further information telephone Frances Hucker Hon. Secretary, 840347.

  • Don't Forget - Flower Festival 2005

Planning is already underway for a 'Flower Festival' at St. Andrew's Church from 19 th - 21 st August 2005. The theme 'All things Bright and Beautiful' should give flower arrangers plenty of design ideas. Further information from Wendy Redstone TEL: 840205 and in the journal next month.

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