South Zeal W.I. meets on the second Thursday of every month at 7:30 p.m. in Victory Hall.
The programme for 2005 is as follows:
March 10 th - Janet Shilston: 'Living with burns'
April 14 th - Geoffrey Weymouth: ' The Moor ' May 12 th - Resolutions & Dorothy Stevens: 'Simple Exercise & Nutrition'
June 9 th - Peninsular Medical School July 14 th - Animal Rescue August - Outing-Date to be advertised September 8 th - Lush for life-'Pamper Session' October 13 th - Margaret Ireland: 'Flower Arranging' November 10th - AGM & Annabelle Reynolds: Harpist December 1 st - Christmas Social-Shelly Chapel Alongside the monthly meeting with speaker, members enjoy a range of other events such as coffee mornings, Cabaret, Carnival and Craft Fair. New members always welcome or pop along as a visitor (50p) to any of the above. For further information telephone Frances Hucker Hon. Secretary, 840347. |