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Beacon Villages Journal

I suppose my main news this month is the site's change of menu structure. For a while now, I have been trying to simplify the appearance of the site and make it easier to get around. I hope uniting all the three previous menu systems into one so that everything is accessible in the same way, will be helpful in the long run.

I know for those of you who have got used to the old system, it will make things harder for a while as you will need to re-learn where some things are. If there are any problems or if anyone has any comments, I really will listen to them if you contact me. Your only problem now is where did I hide the "contact me" link?

I am also getting rid of the complete page of Amazon on-line sales links and am replacing this with a page that I have called 'Bookmarks'. The basic idea will still to be concerned with on-line shopping but then I have widened it to include other sites that I find really useful to go back to time and time again.

Firstly the page will give links to on-line shops that I have personally found helpful and good for doing my shopping for items not easily available (or as cheaply) locally. Then there are other sites that do not sell you things but do give you useful and interesting information. Again, for both categories, do please send in your own recommendations.

I suppose the biggest (and saddest) piece of local news this month has been that Richard and Cindy are leaving the King's Arms after four really good 'community' years. Unfortunately I was not one of their evening regulars although Carol & I did lunch their on a Saturday. However, I almost feel as if I were, as I regularly receive copies of Robin Tilley's photos which invariably contain graphic accounts of nearly all of the local happenings (and the happenings of nearly all of the locals.)

I am sure all in the area wish them well and thank them for all the pleasure they have brought and the community spirit they have fostered.


The Journal Village Correspondents

Most of you will already know our Village Correspondents. They are -

BELSTONE - Chris Walpole - acclaimed cricketer, film producer, author and intrepid explorer and a member of the Belstone Village Hall Committee. e-mail : chris@beacon-villages.co.uk

- Rosie Thayer -fowl (& vicarage) minder extrordinaire: e-mail : rosie@beacon-villages.co.uk

SOUTH ZEAL - Robin Tilley. Parish Councilor, Lawman, Photographer, Tractor Driver and daredevil flyer over the Beacon Villages area.
e-mail : robin@beacon-villages.co.uk


EDITOR - pete kilgannon. e-mail : pc@beacon-villages.co.uk

If you prefer to identify with your own village, you can log on to this site by entering your choice of the names below -

www.belstone.eu.kz    www.south-tawton.co.uk   www. south-zeal.co.uk    www.sticklepath.eu.kz


Please keep your requests and submissions coming. No local event, attraction or service will be turned away. Either e-mail us from the links above or, if you have photos or copy you wish to submit personally, you can either pass them to your Village Correspondent or bring them or post them to - Ivy Cottage, Ramsley, SOUTH ZEAL, Devon EX20 2LB. All items will be scanned into the computer and your originals returned unharmed.
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