"Yes, darling, I will consent to our being engaged if you will make me a solemn promise to tell no one in the World ! If a living soul even suspected our secret that would spoil everything for me."
This is quite a common request, made for the most part by sentimental young women who feel that the announcement of an engagement is not sufficiently romantic in itself, and need something more to satisfy their craving for superiority. They generally believe that this element of secrecy will enable them to enjoy the situation twice over, for besides rejoicing in the knowledge of an official bond, they will be able to gloat over the way their friends are being hood- winked. At the bottom of this attitude, whether it is conscious or not, are greed and selfishness. They want to squeeze the last drop of spurious romance from the situation and, thinking only of themselves, rob their fiances of their rightful pride and pleasure in making the engagement public. This is a type of girl who likes to eat her cake and have it too, and there is a very real danger that this tendency will show itself in married life, and, meeting with strong resistance then, it can easily lead to quarrels and unhappiness.
By placing both parties in a false position, secret engagements often lead to dishonesty and generally to all kinds of embarrassing situations. Of course, there are occasions when prudence and common sense will necessitate a secret engagement, but at the earliest moment the affair should be made public. A girl should be very sure of her lover before assenting to a demand for secrecy from him. It is essential that she should both understand and appreciate his motive for secrecy, and make him realize that if she were deserted later, for any reason, it would be difficult to get witnesses to prove that any binding form of agreement had existed.