Beacon Villages Journal
Belstone News

The King's Brawlers braved a howling gale and rain to dance their way through three bawdy romps outside The Tors on Sunday lunchtime 9 January.


South West Water and Balfour Beatty have begun the replacement of water mains throughout the village by laying pipes along the lane to Birchy Lake .



Belstone's one and only lamp-post (close to the stocks) suffered from a ‘hit and run' attack on 20 January when it was knocked half over, probably by a reversing lorry - within a few hours Western Power had pushed it upright again.
For Your Diary
Tues 1 Feb and every Tuesday between 9.30 and 12.00; Belstone Art Group meets informally in the Village Hall for …….. whatever you want to do.

Sat 5 Feb International Supper at the Village Hall. 7pm start, just a few tickets left at £8 each. Food served will include specialities from Morocco , Japan , the Caribbean , Scotland , Thailand and South Africa .

Tues 15 Feb, 7pm Bingo in the Village Hall.
Friday 18 & 25, Sat 19 & 26 Feb Tickets are selling fast for Dame Agatha's Greatest Case , the latest presentation from Belstone Players. Join Dame Agatha Crustie as she tries to work out who murdered Sir Humphrey Yewtern. Was it gangster Barry the Hatchet, philandering playboy Tarquin Pennington-Shaw or charlady Elsie Nore? Curtain up at 7.30pm in Belstone Village Hall, tickets at £4.50 each available by ringing box-office 01837 840498.
Thurs 3 March Belstone Village Hall Thursday morning café is two years old today. Drop in for tea or coffee with delicious home-made cakes, scones and preserves any Thursday between 9.30 and 12.30.
Sat 5 March, 7.30pm , Village Hall. Richard White of the Devon Wildlife Trust will present Rockpools to Rockies , an illustrated talk on the wildlife and scenery of the North American Pacific coast. Free admission with donations invited for the Asian tsunami appeal and the Village Hall.
Tues 15 March, 7pm Bingo in the Village Hall.

The Book of Belstone
The Book of Belstone

In this fascinating and richly detailed account, authors Chris and Marion Walpole bring the history of their village of Belstone to life. Many people will know the village, as a starting point for walks into the heart of Dartmoor. Armed with this text, they can also explore the hidden corners and forgotten industries of a beautiful corner of the moor. From Beating the Bounds to Letterboxing, from Cricket Clubs to the Women's Institute, the authors cover every facet of the village life through the centuries, introducing the reader to a host of colourful characters, incidents and stories. The text concludes with a section describing every house in the parish.

This A5 soft-back book was first published in October 2002 and has now been reprinted, due to popular demand. It contains 194 pages, including 19 pages of black and white photographs and three pages of maps, graphs and tables.
Also available is a video showing Belstone events (Beating the Bounds, fetes, pantomimes, Jubilee celebrations etc) and day-to-day farming life between 1965 and 2002 (running time 2 hours 40 minutes).

Reviews of The Book of Belstone:
"Truly a mine of information about Belstone past and present ....... each time I have dipped into it I have found a new gem." The Beacon
"I consider it to be the best of all Dartmoor 'village' books of recent years." Dr Tom Greeves, Dartmoor Magazine
"Just about everything you want to know about Belstone can be found in this book." ***** Best Buy, Dartmoor News

The book costs £12.50 (12 pounds 50 pence) plus £1.50 (1 pound 50 pence) post and packing (UK).
video also costs £12.50 (12 pounds 50 pence) plus £1.50 (1 pound 50 pence) post and packing (UK).
book and video together cost £25.00 (25 pounds) plus £2.00 (2 pounds) post and packing (UK).

Overseas visitors can obtain the current conversion costs by clicking here -

order or make enquiries (and for overseas p&p) please e-mail :

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