Saturday 15-03-2025
Beacon Villages Journal

The front page picture? Most of this month has been devoted to trying to get to grips with a programming language that I have not used before. It started when Carol got the idea for a Candlelight Vigil campaign against the live transportation for slaughter of horses and ponies, most of whom going to Europe the long way via Liverpool to Ireland and then on to France.

Without getting technical, there are a couple of ways of allowing people to send in their thoughts and for the computer to store them and present them in the way that she wanted them displayed. There are free versions of this sort of thing available on the Internet but to

alter these programs to produce exactly what you want requires some knowledge of the programming language. After several false starts, it took me altogether about three weeks which probably reflects how slow I am and not how hard it really is!

While I was doing this, Maureen Rolls of SWEP sent Carol some photos including two of the pony that was killed in a road traffic accident on the moor near Princetown. Now the safety of these roads, both for drivers and animals, has been the subject of a SWEP campaign for years and there doesn't seem much difference between the failure to do something about this and the blind eye turned to the transportation/ slaughter trade.

Putting this shocking photo (the other was much worse) on the front page next to the "come to lovely Dartmoor" paragraphs might seem a bit incongruous and off putting. If it focuses attention on these two sad aspects of life which (unlike tsunamis and other natural disasters) we can do something about, then it might just do a little good.

You will gather I did not get to any local events this month so I have put a selection of past ones in the photo album. If Robin brings me some photo's later, I may change this.

Happy Valentines!


The Journal Village Correspondents

Most of you will already know our Village Correspondents. They are -

BELSTONE - Chris Walpole - acclaimed cricketer, film producer, author and intrepid explorer and a member of the Belstone Village Hall Committee. e-mail :

- Rosie Thayer -fowl (& vicarage) minder extrordinaire: e-mail :

SOUTH ZEAL - Robin Tilley. Parish Councilor, Lawman, Photographer, Tractor Driver and daredevil flyer over the Beacon Villages area.
e-mail :


EDITOR - pete kilgannon. e-mail :

If you prefer to identify with your own village, you can log on to this site by entering your choice of the names below -   www.


March 2025

Please keep your requests and submissions coming. No local event, attraction or service will be turned away. Either e-mail us from the links above or, if you have photos or copy you wish to submit personally, you can either pass them to your Village Correspondent or bring them or post them to - Ivy Cottage, Ramsley, SOUTH ZEAL, Devon EX20 2LB. All items will be scanned into the computer and your originals returned unharmed.
Last Modified: Friday 29th January, 2010            
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