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Beacon Villages Journal
South Tawton Primary School



Christmas 2004




Wedding Celebrations!

We know you will join us in wishing Miss Kate Andrews all the best for Saturday 18 th December when she becomes Mrs Kate Tipper.

The Late Wise Man

What a performance! Well done to all the children, the singing was superb, the acting, dancing and orchestra a delight, much enjoyed by all the audiences.

Thank You

Many thanks, to all of you, for supporting us in such wide and varied ways. We value this and continue to welcome any offers of help within classrooms and around the school generally.

Christingle Service - St Andrews Church , South Tawton - 2pm Tuesday 21 st December

Please could you ensure that children with long hair wear it tied back for safety reasons. Everyone welcome to join us for our service. You may collect your children from school once they have walked back and collected all their bags. Thank you.



We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, term starts for the children on Thursday January 6 th .



We would like to thank FOSTPS who have given us a cheque for £500 towards the Drama week which we held earlier this year and also £524.94 to cover the cost of: PE Dept -2 sets of High 5 netball bibs, 10 netballs; YR - Sand pit, water play table, logic people and toy cars.


To Ken Webber for kindly donating a Christmas Tree to decorate the school hall.

Plastic Bottle Tops

We have found a new outlet for these - Mrs Maria Williams from Belstone is collecting them for Mencap towards a wheelchair. Please continue to bring them in and place them in the plastic dustbin in the office lobby. Thank you.


Free Books in Cereal Boxes

A number of cereals have been including a free book - if you or your family have collected these and they have been read or are unwanted, please could we have them for our class group/guided reading? Thank you.


21 st December 2pm Christingle led by KS1 at St Andrews , South Tawton


Nestle Box Tops for Books
This year our school is again participating in the Box Tops scheme run by Nestle cereals and we need your support. Just collect the tokens from the top of Nestle cereals packs and bring them in. We will receive books for all the tokens collected. It only takes as little as 10 tokens to get one book. The more we collect, the more books for our library! So, start collecting and turn cardboard into books for our school ( scheme closes on 31 st March 2005 ). Thank you.

Patrick Shaw

As most of you will know, Patrick was our Chair of Governors for many years and a good friend of the school. At the recent memorial service, which was held in our school hall, his family kindly donated the collection to the school in his memory. £301.50 has been banked. We are currently deciding on an appropriate way to spend this to treasure his memory and will inform you when the purchase has been made.

Volunteers Wanted

Martin Unwin would be pleased to hear from any parents/friends who would be able to commit some time to helping with the Environmental Club on Tuesday afternoons.

Caroline Boother would like more volunteers to assist in walking the children from the Recreation Ground Car Park to school in the morning please.


Please could we have any spare blankets/wallpaper for playtime use. Thank you.

Persil Stars
Persil are running an arts materials scheme again this year, which we are taking part in. Please collect the stars from packs of washing powder, bring them into school over the next 10 months and we can use them to receive free arts resources for school. Please encourage your family, friends and neighbours to collect for us. Thank you.

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