For two years before the war I courted a girl and we corresponded while I was in the army. In 1916 I was wounded in the foot, and somehow a report reached home that my leg had been amputated. Despite my frequent letters to her I got no reply, and I learned later that she had been heard to say she had no use for a man with one leg. Hearing she had married another man, I secured a berth in the north where I am still living. A few years ago I visited the old spot and ran across my old love. Despite the passage of years she was embarrassed in telling me of her marriage. It had not been happy, and she confessed that if she had known the truth she would not have been faithless to me. A year ago her husband died and she wrote asking me to resume the old courtship. But I have the care of an old mother and although I feel sorry for this middle-aged widow who is still e attractive, I told her I could not marry her. I hear she has taken to drink and doubtful company. Do you think I am to blame? And should I reconsider my refusal?
No blame attaches to you whatever. And, unless you are very deeply in love with your old sweetheart, and feel that life would be happier with her, you should think carefully before changing your mind. Her character does not appear to be very stable. It seems strange that she should ignore your letters after you were wounded, and marry another man. Possibly she did not want to "know the truth ", which you had already told her, but at this time was infatuated by a new-comer on the scene. Drink and doubtful company are weak ways of reacting to a disappointment.
Should you marry this widow, and keep your old mother in your home, reasons for disputes might soon arise. You would also have the task of reforming her from a liking for dubious pleasures. Finally, the reasons which made you fall in love as a youth with a young girl might not hold good once you really became intimate again. Twenty years or more is a sufficient time to change some characters almost beyond knowledge. But you alone are capable of making a decision.