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Beacon Villages Journal

Val Barns is doing a great job of sending details about Stick;lepath for publication.

The Dartmoor Biodiversity Project Dormouse research.  Volunteers are being asked again to send in records of dormouse-nibbled hazelnuts. Help is offered with identification.

Last year Sticklepath was found to be a dormouse 'hotspot' and I've found more nuts this year, so hope other people may also have done so. 

The DNP contact is afw@dartmoor-npa.gov.uk to ask for a survey pack.

Photo © John Robinson

Calling all nutters!

Join in the fun and help to save the dormouse. Without your help, this charming creature could disappear from our countryside forever. The Great Nut
Hunt organised by English Nature, the Mammals Trust UK, Center Parcs and the Countryside Council for Wales is encouraging people of all ages to turn 'wood-be' detectives and search for dormouse-nibbled hazel nuts in their local woodlands and hedgerows. Dormice leave a unique tooth-marked hole in the hazel nuts they eat, and it is by looking for these nuts that wildlife experts will be able to find out how this shy and elusive animal is faring in our countryside. The results will help conservationists to develop a national plan to save the dormouse from extinction.

The hazel dormouse, celebrated in Alice in Wonderland, is now one of Britain's rarest animals, and research suggests that they have disappeared from more than half their historic range due to loss of ancient woodlands and hedgerows.

The survey runs from September 2001 to March 2002 and all participants will receive a fact-filled information pack and free magnifying lens to help find and identify dormouse-nibbled nuts. All nuts with the characteristic tooth-marks should be sent to the 'Chief Nutter' for positive identification. The results, will be posted on the Great Nut Hunt website in Spring 2002. To take part in the Great Nut Hunt and receive a special survey pack, contact GREAT NUT HUNT, PO BOX 26169, LONDON SW8 4AF or register on-line at




Upstream is for older people who would like to share their time and interests with others, to enjoy sociable and stimulating activities. It is an independent charity, working closely with local communities.


The Parish Council has been approached by a local Upstream ' mentor' who will see clients and help them take part in activities which interest them and also contribute their memories and knowledge of the locality to others. There is also a request for anyone who collects living history data to get in touch.


Contact Brian Higbee, Upstream HLC PO Box 63 , Crediton , EX17 4EA , tel: 10363 778029 or email higbee@waitrose.com .




 PLANNING : Moorland View : The caravan had been removed and the DNPA had therefore not taken any enforcement action. Drake's Acre : No objection to tree works as proposed. 32 Oaktree Park : Agreed to support the proposed extension.

TRANSPORT AND TRAFFIC: Road Safety: Okehampton LSG had confirmed that the proposed works were a 'gateway' (central island) on both approaches to the village, extended 30 mph speed limits up to the two gateways and a 40mph speed limit through the South Tawton part of the main road. The work will need to be underway by the end of March at the latest.

OKEHAMPTON AREA COMMITTEE OF PARISH COUNCILS : At a recent meeting a representative from WDBC had explained the continuing search for alternative accommodation in Okehampton; it seems likely that there will be a 'one-stop shop'.

LADYWELL BENCH: The bench had been broken and found to be rotten. An offer by JS to provide a new bench was gratefully accepted.

SOUTH WEST WATER: Despite the June letter when some action had been promised, nothing appeared to have been done. The flooding causes a health hazard. The Clerk to take the matter up again with SWW.

HERITAGE LOTTERY FUNDING: JS explained that there were a number of heritage-related project areas for which HLF funding might be available. It was agreed to consider the matter further at a future meeting.

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