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Beacon Villages Journal
South Tawton News
A view from the hen house!
  • Church Autumn Fayre

What is it with hens and computers? They always sense when you are under pressure and refuse to co-operate! I planned to bake lots of cakes for the Autumn Fayre and looked forward to plenty of eggs from my otherwise obliging hens but 'oh no' they've decided to work to rule or was it 'hunt the egg' time again! The last stash found in the nettle patch produced 11 eggs! As for the computer..don't go there! I'm delighted to report that the Autumn Fayre raised £928 after expenses. Michael is very grateful to all who helped make it such a success.

  • Chutney anyone?

Last autumn was my first in the parish. Here I was a city girl (well mostly) moved to the country and determined to make the most of my bountiful harvest of apples, home grown tomatoes and green beans and yes, I made chutney.. lots. There was green bean chutney from a W.I. recipe, apple and onion chutney, spicy apple chutney, green tomato chutney and assorted variations. The kitchen was steamed up for days and everything in the house smelt of vinegar. Twelve months on and I'm only now getting around to tasting the apple chutney. To my horror when I put the spoon in the jar it bent! It looked like solid tar! So, if any of you are about to do repairs to your flat roof or wish to fill the potholes in your driveway.. give me a call as I've got just the thing! By the way if you get invited to the Rectory for a soup and cheese lunch, I'll understand if you decline the chutney!

• Get well soon!

Our best wishes go to Jennifer Howard who is recovering well from a major operation. Some of you will know her as the young Server who assists at St. Andrew's Church. Michael and I visited her in Wonford Hospital on Friday. She was in good form and coping well with tubes, physiotherapy, medications and homework sent in from her school!!

She was very proud of her progress and delighted in us seeing her sitting out while she enjoyed lunch. 'Enjoyed' is perhaps not quite the word as she was not impressed with the fish in white sauce!! Her mother Helen is planning to invest in a pair of very high heels! Jennifer has gained 4 inches as a result of the operation and now almost as tall as her mother. We look forward to seeing Jennifer home next week.

As it's the December journal

I'm sure to mention Christmas. While in Prague about 10 days ago I was delighted one evening to stumble upon the lighting of the Christmas tree and lights in a small square below the castle. There were a group of people dancing around the tree and TV cameras recording the event. I'm really glad I took this photo as when I went back the next day the whole lot was gone! Apparently it had all been staged for a TV programme! Ah well, at least I can enjoy the beautiful Christmas lights in downtown Okehampton. There will be several Carol Services in the local parishes to enjoy and I'm looking forward to Moor Harmony's Christmas Concert on 18 th December at St. Andrew's Church. Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas.
  • 'Fowl' play in the Rectory garden

Another delight of living in the country is the opportunity to keep chickens and ducks. We started off small with one duck and three hens. We now have 2 drakes, 2 ducks, 2 cockerels and 6 hens. How we got there is a story for another day. Cedric is master of the ducks and Nelson our cockerel rules the roost. Nelson ran a tight ship (pardon the pun) with just Sarah and Lottie to look after. Lottie had the babies and Sarah, well let just say she kept Nelson amused during Lottie's confinement. He had the best of both worlds! Can you imagine his delight when we brought home three Sussex buffs (plump ladies with frilly petticoats)? He ran himself dizzy the first few days deciding 'Whom shall I delight first?' Sarah was not amused and chased off the new girls, Dilly, Dora and Dolly at every opportunity.

Now that the pecking order has been established things have settled down to an 'uneasy' peace. The ducks meantime, confined to their own pen just watched on from the sidelines. They clearly did not approve of the goings on and quaked loudly and often. Cedric, the self-appointed leader, marched up and down his side of the fence and threatened all sorts. Did I say there was peace? Well, only until the day I decided to let the ducks have the run of the garden. Cedric, aided and abetted by his fellow drake, Zultan the Impaler, chased the hens. Such a pair of terrorists! There was screeching and squawking and feathers flying everywhere. Not happy with simply marking territory, Cedric also planned to teach Sarah a lesson. Once chased around the garden a couple of times, Sarah gave in and just lay down! (This is what gets women a bad name!) And there's more.....

•  Out of the mouths of babes.

While watching the Sticklepath Fire show I stood next to a family group. The dad had his little girl on his shoulders and was interpreting the Guy Fawkes story as it unfolded. The comments from the little girls were as entertaining as the show itself. At one point a giant head appeared above the 'gallows' and the little girl said in awe 'is that God'? 

At a recent Family Communion Service, Michael wanted the children to feel included at the distribution of communion. He invited them to come up and receive grapes and unconsecrated hosts. Edward (age 3) on returning home told his dad 'we got grapes and bits of paper to eat'!

  • Flower Festival 2005

Planning is already underway for a 'Flower Festival' at St. Andrew's Church from 19 th - 21 st August 2005. The theme 'All things Bright and Beautiful' should give flower arrangers plenty of design ideas. Further information from Wendy Redstone TEL: 840205 and in the journal next month.

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