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Beacon Villages Journal

I won't bore you with any personal stuff this month. If it is of any interest, I have now decided to put "Alezane's Diary" (which used to be on another site) into the Journal. This gives you a day by day account of what happens in the lives of our three horses and therefore, by association, in our lives as well.

There were several major events in the Villages in November but I only managed to photograph two of them at the time and one afterwards. Hopefully, by publication date, we will have some accounts of the others (The Sticklepath Fireshow, Belstone Craft Fair, St. Andrews Autumn Fayre and the St Clement's Blacksmith's Day) either from their organisers or our Village Correspondents.

I know Andy White is making a report on the South Zeal Recreation Ground Tidy Up Day, which I gather went very well. I do know personally that the space by the tennis courts is now very accessible but I would argue the football 'stand' needs a touch of paint!.

Other changes this month. Now I have Alli's Diary in the Journal, I have used that spot on the menus to introduce a " Saved News Stories" feature where you can get to re-look at past items that I don't want to throw away. I suppose I could have called it "My Shed" as that serves a similar purpose. Old containers and broken gadgets all have a place there as, I tell Carol, 'they may come in handy'!

Lastly, Broadband. I hope to be using it by the time you read this. I agonised over which provider to go with and was delighted to learn, after choosing them for other reasons, that I have selected an Exeter based firm.

However, I also chose to go for a wireless network to link our several machines both to each other and also to the net. My connection date is December 1st and it will be a close run thing if I can get it all working, without having a breakdown (me, not the machines) by the time it should be switched on.

fingers crossed!

The Journal Village Correspondents

Most of you will already know our Village Correspondents. They are -

BELSTONE - Chris Walpole - acclaimed cricketer, film producer, author and intrepid explorer and a member of the Belstone Village Hall Committee. e-mail : chris@beacon-villages.co.uk

- Barry and Joyce Woods have served their time in working as village correspondents. They are now having a rest and Rosie Thayer will be taking their place from October : e-mail : rosie@beacon-villages.co.uk

SOUTH ZEAL - Robin Tilley. Parish Councilor, Lawman, Photographer, Tractor Driver and daredevil flyer over the Beacon Villages area. e-mail : robin@beacon-villages.co.uk

STICKLEPATH - Who knows? I despair of... Wait, hold it! I have just had an e-mail from Sticklepath. No. False alarm!

EDITOR - Pete Kilgannon. e-mail : m1@beacon-villages.co.uk You may not know me, but you can't have failed to notice my wife's car - the scary green Volkswagen Lupo with the sticker for her horse's web site : www.alezane.co.uk. (That plug should ensure I get a good dinner!)

If you prefer to identify with your own village, you can log on to this site by entering your choice of the names below -

www.belstone.eu.kz    www.south-tawton.co.uk   www. south-zeal.co.uk    www.sticklepath.eu.kz


Please keep your requests and submissions coming. No local event, attraction or service will be turned away. Either e-mail us from the links above or, if you have photos or copy you wish to submit personally, you can either pass them to your Village Correspondent or bring them or post them to - Ivy Cottage, Ramsley, SOUTH ZEAL, Devon EX20 2LB. All items will be scanned into the computer and your originals returned unharmed.
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