21 st Anniversary Sticklepath Fireshow
The Life of Guy
Friday 5 th November Gates open at 6.00pm for 7.30pm start
Free parking, show entry fee £6.00 adult/ £1.00 children
Finch Foundry, Field, Sticklepath, Nr Okehampton
21 st Fireshow and still going strong Come and celebrate on Friday November 5 th at the 21 st annual Sticklepath Fireshow, held as usual on Finch Foundry Field, Sticklepath with the kind permission of the National Trust. Fittingly, this year Guy Fawkes is being celebrated in yet another spectacular show entitled The Life of Guy. Months of planning with the help of at least 200 volunteers has gone into creating a visual feast that now brings in spectators from across the county and beyond, offering a unique, spectacular and safe way to enjoy bonfire night for all the family. As the South West's largest community arts event, this week the magnificent 2004 stage is being completed and many local children have been spending their half term making puppets and costumes in preparation for a show which will see a vast number of participants this year. A well as helping to develop artistic skills, particularly for children, the Fireshow is staged primarily for the benefit of the local community and the Chairman of the Fireshow, Ian Crawford promises "an extra special show this year with an emphasis on celebrating the past 21 years. Costing thousands of pounds, the Fireshow is also an extremely expensive event to hold, particularly as this year costs have risen dramatically across various areas. As well as the entry fees, the Committee has to rely on the kind support of local businesses as well as now having to hold numerous fund raising events throughout the year. Obviously we are also always at the mercy of the weather and have to hope that our many loyal spectators appreciate that the show goes on regardless of the weather with the exception of severe conditions which would affect the safety of the crowd, in which case we would postpone the show." The show begins at 7.30 pm prompt. Please arrive in good time to secure free parking and follow the marshals' directions. Alternatively, there is a free bus shuttle service departing 'More' newsagents, Fore Street, Okehampton and Giblands Bus Stop at 6.15pm and every fifteen minutes. A return shuttle service is also available after the event. There is parking for the disabled. Cost: £6 per adult, £1 per child. All unaccompanied children will be charged the adult price. Refreshments are available. Spectators should wear bright colours for road safety purposes when entering and leaving the show area. Spectators are reminded that for safety reasons alcohol and fireworks (including sparklers) are not allowed on the fireshow field. |