A firecrest was spotted in Bichy Lake woods by local resident Simon Herbert on 17 October. A great season for 'fruits of the forest' - acorns and hazel nuts everywhere, conkers beneath the couple of horse chesnuts beside the Taw in Skaigh valley. On 5 October Rupert Lane, Head of Trees at the DNP, led a walk in Skaigh Wood to collect acorns. We collected a bag full very quickly; these will be taken back to the DNP nursery and planted; in a few years time some will be returned for planting in Skaigh Wood. |
Belstone Cricket Club; final results Played 37, Won 19, Lost 16, Abandoned 2. Top of the batting averages, Wayne Pearce - 621 runs at an average of 29.57. Top of the bowling averages: Terry Jeal - 24 wickets at an average of 14.58 apiece. Trophy presentation night will be at The Tors in Belstone on Monday 22 November - Colts presentations from 7pm, refreshments around 8pm, Seniors awards after the food. |
www.chalfontstpeter-pc.gov.uk/ csp-village/ima... |
Work on the new kitchen at the Village Hall has continued all through October and should be finished early in November.
New bell ropes have been hung at the church and were successfully tried out for the first time at the practice session on Monday 18 October.
Belstone Players have begun rehearsals for their February production of the comedy thriller Dame Agatha's Greatest Case.
www.educhurch.org.uk/ pupils/combs/bells.html |
For Your Diary |
Saturday 6 November. The popular Craft Fair returns to the Village Hall. Around 20 stands will be laden with Christmas gifts - candles, ceramics, woodwork, pottery, jewellery, pictures, wind chimes, clothing etc. Free admission between 10.30am and 4.30pm. Refreshments and raffle. |
Saturday 13 November. A musical supper in the Village Hall to raise funds for Birchy Lake resident Theresa Weaver's charity walk along the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu in April next year. You can also sponsor her by making donations at the Thursday morning cafe in the Hall or by visiting the website
www.justgiving.com/moor2mountain |
Tuesday 16 November. Bingo in the Village Hall. The first of a monthly bingo extravaganza. Eyes down 7pm. |
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Saturday 20 November. Ladies Club Christmas Fair in the afternoon at the Hall |
Thursday 25 November. 7.30pm, Belstone Village Hall. The latest South Tawton Garden Club meeting will hear a talk by David Whitworth on 'The House of Veitch', all about the Exeter plant hunting family. Coffee and mince pies will be served. |
The Book of Belstone
In this fascinating and richly detailed account, authors Chris and Marion Walpole bring the history of their village of Belstone to life. Many people will know the village, as a starting point for walks into the heart of Dartmoor. Armed with this text, they can also explore the hidden corners and forgotten industries of a beautiful corner of the moor. From Beating the Bounds to Letterboxing, from Cricket Clubs to the Women's Institute, the authors cover every facet of the village life through the centuries, introducing the reader to a host of colourful characters, incidents and stories. The text concludes with a section describing every house in the parish.
This A5 soft-back book was first published in October 2002 and has now been reprinted, due to popular demand. It contains 194 pages, including 19 pages of black and white photographs and three pages of maps, graphs and tables.
Also available is a video showing Belstone events (Beating the Bounds, fetes, pantomimes, Jubilee celebrations etc) and day-to-day farming life between 1965 and 2002 (running time 2 hours 40 minutes).
Reviews of The Book of Belstone:
"Truly a mine of information about Belstone past and present ....... each time I have dipped into it I have found a new gem." The Beacon
"I consider it to be the best of all Dartmoor 'village' books of recent years." Dr Tom Greeves, Dartmoor Magazine
"Just about everything you want to know about Belstone can be found in this book." ***** Best Buy, Dartmoor News
The book costs £12.50 (12 pounds 50 pence) plus £1.50 (1 pound 50 pence) post and packing (UK).
The video also costs £12.50 (12 pounds 50 pence) plus £1.50 (1 pound 50 pence) post and packing (UK).
The book and video together cost £25.00 (25 pounds) plus £2.00 (2 pounds) post and packing (UK).
Overseas visitors can obtain the current conversion costs by clicking here - http://www.xe.com/ucc/convert.cgi
To order or make enquiries (and for overseas p&p) please e-mail :
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