Buzzing off to Holsworthy
Members the Okehampton branch of the Devon Beekeepers Association usually meet in South Zeal each month, or during the summer at various apiaries. An invitation from their colleagues in the Holsworthy area however saw many of them turning up at that town's Community College to a meeting that introduced everyone present to a new product that might help them. Mr Clive Newitt traveled from West Sussex to introduce the beekeepers to Exomite Apis, a powder developed by scientists at Southampton University that is distributed by his company, Agra-Nova that could assist with the increasingly essential control of varroa mite. The combined meeting provided Mr Newitt with a full house for a presentation that concluded with a lengthy question and answer session that also provided those attending with an opportunity to inspect the methods of using the product at close quarters.
Scarecrow service .
The Harvest Festival Service at St Andrew's Church, South Tawton, on Sunday, 3rd October, at 11.00a.m. will include some silent participants this year when scarecrows are expected to swell and the friends they arrive with await judgement; that determines the winner of the most artistic bird-scarer prize. Preparation of the church begins on Saturday morning, October 2 nd , between 9.00 a.m. and 12 noon when parishioners are invited to take flowers (or donations c/o Rev. Michae l Thayer), items of fruit, vegetable and tinned goods along. Scarecrow builders are asked to take along their finished figures between those times also. Tradition takes over once again on Sunday, after the service when, instead of at the usual venue, the Benefice Harvest Lunch is served at 12:15p.m in South Zeal's Victory Hall. While usually oversubscribed, the extra room the hall provides this year means that there may just be a faint hope that a ticket or two may be available at £5 for adults and £3 children and a call to 01837 849048 before Saturday.
Car chaos in Belstone
Belstone Parish Council has received and discussed a letter from regular bus users in the village about the difficulties that buses now have in getting through the village due to parking congestion. The problem is worst at the top of the village, where the bus sometimes cannot turn around post office green. Other local villages have lost their bus services because of delays due to parking, and there was concern that the service to Belstone may be similarly affected. During the Council's discussions it was suggested that the bus might turn at the village hall car park but this idea was rejected because of the longer walk for those using the bus. Bus drivers however might be asked to go past the pub and turn left beyond it, but parking congestion can also cause difficulties at this point.
The Council is drawing the attention of Belstone residents to this problem, and asking for everyone to be considerate when parking.
Come seed gathering
The, now, annual seed-gathering walk in Skaigh Woods, Sticklepath will be taking place on Tuesday, October 5th, from 2.00 - 3.30pm, and those wishing to participate should meet up at the Finch Foundry car park. Rupert Lane, the National Park's Head of Trees and Woodlands, will once again lead the walk and can be relied upon for an enthusiastic and informative commentary.
Summer Show Preparations
Some consider this to be the ideal time to join the Cheriton Bishop Horticultural Society; perhaps because it is that time of year again when yearly subs are due. The subs, however, are only £4.00 per year per family and anyone wishing to pay up can contact Membership Secretary, Joyce Ganderton, who will be pleased to receive the cash. Joyce, whose telephone number is 01647 24318, will also be pleased to hear from others that want to join the Society and take an active role in its activities.
There has been a fear expressed that the annual village show could fold, because of the expense and work involved in putting it on, unless there is more support in the village is given to it. This has happened in so many other villages so the ideas of parishioners are being sought to ensure the continuity of the show. Perhaps there could be some different classes introduced, has been one suggestion. The Committee will be very happy to receive more ideas since this is the ideal time for them to be considered. By supporting next year's Summer Show now, it is the ideal time for everyone to start working together to make it a show to beat all shows. |