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Beacon Villages Journal
Recent History
Andy White had been doing a bit of clearing up and came across some old photos and parish magazines. Here are a few extracts from them.

Deanery Magazine 1933

Belstone & Sticklepath

"Live in peace and the God of love and peace shall be with you"
At St Mary's Church, Belstone, on October 11, by the Rev. C. Lister James, Rector, William James Phear of Okehampton to Bessie Wonnacott, of Belstone.

GIFTS TO THE CHURCH -The Sanctuary has been enriched by a very beautifully bound Altar Service Book, the generous gift of Mr. Gordon Hardie, to whom we tender our must grateful thanks, and also for giving a handsomely bound and clear type new Prayer Book for the Reading Desk, and a Book for Occasional Services (Marriages, Baptisms, etc.), and for supplying several sets of embroidered silk Markers for the various books, thus generously giving what has been much needed for some time past. We have also to thank Mrs. Fernley, of Buxton, for a handsome new Altar Lectern for the Lady Chapel - given to the Glory of God in memory of her sister, the late Mrs. Cox, of Mapleton. The two Altars, the Reading Desk, aud the Lectern are now richly supplied and complete. Laus Deo .

DISTRICT NURSING ASSOCIATION.-A largely attended and keenly interested meeting of the Committee was held at Miss Seward's house, Sticklepath, on November 17th, Mr. A. Finch, J P, in the chair. Satisfaction was expressed by representatives from S. Tawton and Exbourne of the Nurse's work in their respective parishes, all well as at Belstone and Sticklepath. As she has now obtained a small car, this will enable her to attend distant cases in bad weather much better than with the cycle. We all owe special thanks to our Hon. Secretary and Treasurer, Miss Reynolds, for the time, energy and ability she gives to this good work, and also for the clever way in which she manages to keep up the D.N.A. funds. It means a lot of work, and we should like to say a big THANK-YOU.

On SUNDAY, Nov. 12TH, our friend, the Rev. Fr. Darnley Smith, is very kindly coming to preach at Morning and Evening Service, It is now two years ago since he took the Mission here, and gave a great uplift to our spiritual life. He will be sure of a warm welcome and a full attendance at the Church Services.

KING'S MESSENGERS - On Tuesday, November 17th, at 5.30 p. m. in the Church Room, Lantern Slides on China will be shown. Mr. Heard, of South Zeal, is kindly coming to assist. The show is open to any children on payment of 1½ d. and any adults on payment of 3d. All K.M.'s will be admitted free.

A CHILDREN'S MISSIONARY SERVICE, and for Senior K.M's, will be held in the Church on Tuesday, November 28th, at 5.30 p.m. This is a Special Children's Service at which the Rev. H. Clarke, of Okehampton, has kindly promised to give an address.


And just to add a touch of not so recent history, I thought I'd like to add this photo.

Another photo taken by my mother of my grandfather Tom outside the family home.

The house was very much on the sme lines as the old Devon longhouses, in as much as half of it was for people and the other half for the cattle. I can remember the chickens running about under your feet indoors and roosting on the rafters.

The place is Dromore West, near Sligo in Ireland.

I guess it was sometime in 1939.

If any visitor to this site has any scraps of history

- old magazines, papers or photographs -

we would be delighted to scan them, tidy them up and publish them and return them to you with copies of the 'tidied up' versions if you would like them.