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Beacon Villages Journal
South Tawton News
A view from the hen house!


Didn't we have a lovely time...

At the end of August, 50 of us set off on the Benefice outing to Exmouth. Those who planned to have a snooze on the bus had no such luck. Michael handed round a quiz, which got the little grey cells working. With everyone free to do their own thing, some people stayed on the beach while others ventured forth into the metropolis of Exmouth, taking in the seafront market on the way. After lunch many joined in the games and Beach Art competition. The game of beach rounders was lively to say the least and I thought Margaret was very brave to tackle the Rector! (see photos). The beach art competition included 'arty' entries, traditional sandcastles and indeed a 'living' sculpture! After a fun filled day, tired souls still managed a raucous sing-song on the bus journey home. Book now for next year!

Heritage Open Days

During the week-end of September 10 th -12 th , Church House opened its doors to the public. On display were approved plans for the restoration of the building, 17 th Century pottery found in Church House while work was being done in 1964 and photographs from the local History Group. Having cousins visiting from London I was delighted to have this opportunity to show them Church House. We enjoyed talking to stewards Allen and John. They enlightened us about the old thatch, previous uses of the house and even gave us an opportunity to stick our heads up a chimney!

Refreshments were delightful with cream teas being provided by Sally Bailey.

7 Stars

You cannot fail to have noticed the hive of activity that is going on at the 7 Stars Pub as it undergoes refurbishment. We wish the new management every success. Let us try and support them when the doors reopen. Hopefully they will benefit from the hoards of visitors we are expecting to Church House next year when its restoration is complete. Talking of supporting local ventures did you notice that there is 'Honey for Sale ' at the Cheesmans (next door to Church House)? Toast and honey for tea.lovely.


Flower arranging demonstration

On Wednesday 29 th September Nora Bertram gave a flower arranging demonstration to the local Church Flowers Groups of St. Mary's and St. Andrews . The woman is clearly talented and a good teacher. No doubt her tips and ideas will be reflected in the Harvest Festival (October 3 rd ) arrangements at St. Andrews Church - we are expecting great things..no pressure! Further demonstrations are planned for the New year. Anyone interested contact Wendy Redstone 840205.

Social Whirl

By the time you read this many of you will have had full diaries for the week-end of October 1 st -3 rd . There was a Safari Supper on Friday night with proceeds going towards proposed refurbishments at St. Andrew's Church, A concert on Saturday night- an evening of Moor Harmony Music, Sacred and Secular, anecdotes and Annabel on harp (proceeds to Leprosy Suffers and children's charities) and the Harvest lunch on Sunday. As the Safari Supper is a 'first' for South Tawton and South Zeal we will have an insiders report next month.

Sew and Sew

Shall I tell you what goes on behind closed doors at Blackhall Manor? That is where the W.I sewing and quilting group have been busy making lovely patchwork, quilted and handmade items in preparation for the W.I Christmas sale due to take place in Okehampton on 13 th November. Well, that's Christmas presents taken care of!

Welcome to South Tawton

Welcome to those who have recently moved to South Tawton . I'd especially like to welcome our youngest resident, baby Milo . How clever of his parents to have such a lovely baby. I'll have a word with them and hopefully be able to tell you more next month.

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