Whilst discussing the present day carnival with Dawn, we also talked about carnival days gone by. Dawn had a box full of carnival material including the minutes book of bygone days from 1956 to 1968 and then from the 1980s on.
In the forthcoming bulletins, I'll try to give an insight into how the carnival was organised back then and the work put in by all concerned. The minutes are all hand written, so sorry if I get a name wrong here or there
Andy White
A meeting was held at the Cawsand Beacon Hotel, on Monday July 30th 1956 at 8pm .
The President sent apology of absence.
Present: The Chairman - Colonel L Roberts, Colonel Eskine Lindop, Messrs W. J. Madders, R. Cooper, P. Aggett, E.M. Bowden, J.J. Riggs, S. Hooper, W. Wonnacott, D.R. Wonnacott, F.W. Lentern, J. Cooper, C. Kelly, G.W. Lovell.
Mesdames L.A. Madders, R. Cooper, M. Bowden, M.H. Riggs, D. Hooper, M.A. Abbott & The Hon Secretary.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read, approved and signed.
It was decided to engage the following bands -
Hatherleigh Band at £8, Chagford Jazz at £6 and the Scout Band. The secretary to write for quotations from the Nor1h Tawton Town Band & the Nor1hlew Band.
Carnival Night Dance.
It was decided to engage Mr Wadmans Band for the Carnival Night Dance at £4. Admission to be 2/6.
The Marshall
The secretary was instructed to ask Mr J. Guilding to be Marshall , failing him Mr Drewe, as Mr J Holman had declined.
Prize Money
Comic, Artistic and Original Tableaux Classes to have prize money of £3, £2, £1.
Private Tableaux with the Vipan Cup prizes of £3, £2, £1, with a grant of up to £5 on production of receipts.
Best decorated light truck, van or private car £3, £2, £1.
Visitors Class £3, £2, £1.
Special Prizes £2 for best tableaux. Walking Guys £1, 15/-, 10/-.
Collectors who collect all the Week to get 10/- each.
The Prince & Princess
Choosing to be on Friday Oct. 6th at 6.30. Admission at 6pm to be followed by the Queen Choosing Dance at 8pm. Admission 2/6.
The Queens Grant to remain at £10, with runners up £3 each.
Any Girl attaining the age of 15 years old this year to be eligible to compete.
The Carnival Ball to be on Wednesday Oct. 10 th . The secretary to fix a sub committee.
Mr & Mrs Bowden and Mr & Mrs Riggs offered to arrange a Dance in August and September. It was decided to give 10% of the proceeds to the Spastic Children's Fund.
The next meeting to be on Monday August 13 th , at the Cawsand Beacon Hotel at 8pm.
This concluded the Business