Present: W Cann Chairman ,R Souness Vice-Chairman
A White, R Darch, J Darch, J Pillar, C White, R Tilley. Apologies from Councillor Curtis.
Inland Boundaries & Parish Day.
Councillor Tilley gave update of projects organised for Parish Bay . Some Councillors & Clerk agreed to deliver invitations to as many houses as possible. It was agreed to have Insurance cover for the day of £265. Food for the afternoon, including hog roast, to be on same format as previous events, with a small charge for drinks.
Public Toilet Cleaning
Councillor Souness informed that Public Toilets at Recreation Ground were not being cleaned twice a week, as agreed by Squires Cleaning contractors. It was agreed to invite Mr Squires to next Parish Council meeting for further discussion. Councillor Souness also asked when W.D.B.C. were carrying out repairs to toilets, as agreed.
Beacon Villages Website
Councillors agreed to place minutes of Parish Council onto the Beacon Villages Website run by Mr Peter Kilgannon.
Common Land (Addiscott)
Clerk read copy of letter sent to Ms Potter, Addiscott, from County Solicitor , informing her that land at Addiscott was Common Land and it would be wise to refer to Commons register, before disputing people exercising their rights over the land. Date to be arranged in June concerning drainage at Addiscott to prevent flooding.
Election of Parish Councillor
There will be an Election on Thursday 13th May to vote for one Parish Councillor. 24 people asked for an Election which will cost the Parish £1000.
Doctors Surgery
Dr Tom Bell & Dr Nigel Padfield attended meeting, to discuss closure of South Zeal Doctors Surgery, which is at present at Cawsand Beacon, one day a week. Dr's felt it unfortunate but inevitable, with the change over to modern day equipment and for Health & Safety reasons, they were unable to provide adequate service to the people of the Parish. Only 12 patients used the Surgery within the last 12 months. It was agreed to write letter to Doctors reluctantly accepting their advice on closure.
Victory Hall Committee (Grant)
Clerk read letter received from Victory Hall Committee, requesting Grant towards Gents urinals in Hall. Councillor A White proposed, seconded by Councillor Souness, that £300 be given. All agreed. Councillor C White declared interest.
D.C.C. Dartmoor Sunday Rover (Change of some Services)
Letter & timetable received from D.C.C. informing of changes to Stagecoach Service X38 & 39, which will now be part of Dartmoor Sunday Rover Service.
D.N.P. Local Plan 1995/2011
Clerk received D.N.P. Local Plan 1995/2011. Chairman informed there would only be Local Housing needs or infilling in South Tawton Parish, as the Inspector felt there were enough houses built within the D.N.P.
Public Pay phones Boxes
Clerk read letter received from B.T. informing of decline in use of Public Payphones & plan to remove 4 payphones in South Tawton Parish. Payphones named for closure were Week Cross, Taw Green Cross, Langdown Cross & The Croft. Councillors were disappointed there were any closures especially the payphone at The Croft. Councillors agreed a letter be written objecting to closure.
D.N.P. Garden Party
D.N.P. are holding a Garden Party & Exhibition of Projects on Tuesday 25th June at Parke, Bovey Tracey. Councillor Cann asked if any Councillor & Guest would like to attend as Parish Councillor Representative, as he would go as D.N.P. Chairman. It was agreed Councillor R Darch should attend.
Mr & Mrs L Turner, 5, Cross Park , South Zeal
Extensions. Parish Council agreed to support
Orange PCS Ltd, Aztec 800, Aztec West, Almondsbury, Bristol
Airwave MM02 Ltd site share on existing Orange lattice tower at Tara farm, Spitlar farm, South Tawton .
Parish council did not support application due to visual impact on landscape
Mr & Mrs Craske, White Horse Cottage, South Zeal
Alteration & Extension of kitchen into covered passage, reglazing of passage roof, reduction of height of exterior wall & erection of fence & alteration to first floor bathroom at Blackhall Cottage, South Tawton ( Listed Building )
Parish Council agreed to support if within Listed Building consent.
Victory Hall Committee ("Hire of Hall A.G.M.) |
£ 6 |
00 |
Alliance Cornhill Insurance |
£241 |
60 |
Ink Print |
£ 62 |
28 |
Proposed Councillor R Darch, seconded by Councillor J Darch that all accounts be agreed. All agreed.
Councillor J Darch informed of potholes at Oxenham Manor. Councillor A white also informed of potholes at Stentiford Bridge & loose Road signs at School Lane . Mr Pogodin, D.C.C. Engineer, to be informed |