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Limerick Competition

It's Limerick time once again
And South Zeal is going insane
With rhythm and rhyme
Some naughty? Sublime? ...
or both if it's Alan the Train

We publish the winners - some in an expurgated version, for those not possessing a schoolboy/rugby sense of humour.

They may not be great works of art but a great night was had by all (as usual),


First Prize (Expurgated Version)

When Perry the Post dons his shorts
The spinsters of Zeal think lewd thoughts
But why such big sighs
At thought of his thighs
They're scabby and covered in warts!


A gorgeous young lady, quite fizzy
Made one of the local lads dizzy
She taught him to dance
Then merely by chance
Said, "My garden needs doing, get busy!

Second Prize
Third Prize (Expurgated Version)

Late one night watching the box
I received, I must say, several shocks
Naughty novelist named Nick
Singing landlord called Dick
Then two beards, one shaved head and no socks


They advertised "Brawling" at Kings
We hoped it might mean many things
An orgy of blood
Women wrestling in mud
Nude dancing and all that that brings?

But no, it was genteel and nice
The dancing was pure and precise
The tights and the dresses
The long flowing tresses
All part of the evening's delights.


Fourth Prize


Other Locals
If any of the other locals in the area - The Oxenham Arms, The Seven Stars, The Taw River, The Devonshire Inn and The Tors would like us to publicise their monthly event programmes, just let me have them. I do the King's Arms because Richard gives me the details.
e-mail me when page changes