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Yoga for all  The Yoga class has been running throughout the winter in South Zeal and enthusiasts are all looking forward to some warmer evenings as the classes continue each Wednesday at 7.30pm in the Victory Hall, South Zeal. Newcomers will be made welcome and can try it out for one session, at £3 per evening to see if it suits, or can continue for the whole term. Everyone is however asked to please bring a blanket or mat with him or her and some warm clothes to wear for the 15-minute relaxation at the end of the class.
More details can be obtained from Jacci Jourdan on 01837 840488.

Celebrations for a Parish  Parishioners in South Tawton are being invited to celebrate a Parish Day on Saturday 12 th June with a mixture of work and merriment that turn the clock back. Long before the days of paying parish rates and community charges to get work done, local people gave their own time to assist with the upkeep of roads and bridleways, paths and ditches and a multitude of social tasks. Today, with charges paid, there are jobs in the community that will not be done unless people do them themselves; like cleaning village signs and notice boards, repairing and re-varnishing village benches, clearing paths, picking up litter, restoring parish boundary markers, exercising rights of common, and other similar activities. The Parish Council will, wherever possible, provide the materials and resources to do the work - but volunteers are needed to do the work, starting after a slap-up breakfast. After a mornings work the merriment is planned to begin around lunchtime and will include all parishioners. It is hoped that a hog roast, refreshments, children's games and whatever other entertainment can be devised will all be part of the Parish Celebration.
Any volunteers willing to set aside some time to help with the morning's work can
contact Julian Pillar on 01837 840054, Ray Souness 840511, Robin Tilley 840654 or Andrew White 840443 who will be pleased to hear from them.

Plant Sale  Friday 7 th May should be marked in every local gardener's diary as the date for the annual South Tawton Garden Club Plant Sale. It is being held that evening, at 7.00pm, in Sticklepath Village Hall.

Plastic Milk Bottle Tops  South Tawton County Primary School staff have kindly co-operated for some months in the collection of plastic milk bottle tops by pupils in aid of a wheelchair provision scheme. Having taken several sacks full to Mr & Mrs Jewell, Rose Cottage, Throwleigh Road, who are collecting these as part of the Lions Club, staff members were pleased to learn that the collection has been tremendous success and that one child has already received a wheelchair. Mr & Mrs Jewell are continuing to collect the plastic tops and will be pleased to receive them at their home or via the school.

Hall AGM  The AGM of the Whiddon Down Village Hall Committee takes place on Thursday 6 th May at 7.30pm, and everyone is welcome. The recent hall renovations cost about £35,000, almost half came from individual donations and fundraising and the rest from grants. The Committee were particularly grateful to local organisations such as the Parish Council, Teignton Fayre and the EX20 Lottery for their support. The Hall now provides a re-decorated main room - the "Old School Room", a separate small meeting room, stores, good toilet facilities and a workshop for the Whyddon Carvers Club. The AGM offers local people to learn of future plans for the hall and perhaps offer their help.
Anyone wishing to book the hall with its enhanced facilities should
contact Clare Rowe on 01647 231643

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