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Di Grey Studio moved to Copplestone Grey Studio logo

NOTE: This is an Archived page. Di wrote to say " I have stopped doing wood carving now. Seasoned wood is too hard to find but I can always find a Western Morning News for my papier mache models. Please can you remove my carving page. I am really enjoying my work now and it is selling well which is great. I am doing several craft fairs this year. I can make things much quicker with the help of a commercial hot cupboard and I have a very large commission that I am currently working on. It is a mural of a Dartmoor/country scene incorporating the clients four pet sheep amongst other things ."

to view Di's current work, check out : http://www.papiermache.co.uk/exec/cms-gallery/p-artist/id-101/

Since leaving Ramsley for a home with a more level garden for her two children, Robin and Jennifer, Di Grey has taken the time to branch out with her craft work. Those of you who do not remember Di personally, will probably be acquainted with her woodcarving work, particularly on the nameplates for Barton Farm and Tor Cottage.
'Barton Farm' sign
'Tor Cottage' sign

In addition to her woodcarving, Di has taken up papier mache sculpture and has a permanent exhibit at Eggesford Gallery. Her work can also be found, if not already sold, at the 'Now & Then' store, facing Somerfield, in Okehampton.

As you can imagine, the pieces shown here take a considerable amount of time to produce, so Di has not yet built up a sufficient stock to exhibit in craft shows. It is a bit of a chicken and egg situation, for as soon as she has more items they are snapped up and she has to start over.

She also produces commissioned items. One lady loved the fox that Di had produced as a lamp, but wanted it on its own without the lamp holder, wire and shade.

Lamp in mirror
Fox shape lamp
Fox shaped sign
Water jug
Otter   Virtually any design is possible and Di would welcome enquiries from people with ideas for new products or any particular shape, size, colour or theme that you might be interested in. As you can see from this selection, the quality of work is second to none and the end result a highly desirable ornament or a highly ornamental and practical piece of furnishing. Di may not live in South Zeal any longer but there is still quite a lot of her work here, to remind us of her.
Two cockerals Elegant white vase

Moonwind sign
Grey Studio logo
Decorative items made in Devon from reclaimed, recycled and restored materials

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