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Held in the Victory Hall, South Zeal at 7.30 pm
Monday 23 rd |
Monday 27 th |
Monday 20 th |
Monday 24 th |
MAY (Annual Meeting) |
Monday 22 nd |
Monday 26 th |
Monday 24 th |
Monday 21 st |
Monday 25 th |
Monday 23 rd |
Monday 20 th |
Monday 11 th |
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at the Victory Hall, South Zeal, on Monday 25th September 2006 at 7.30 pm
Councillor A White (Chairman) |
Councillor C White |
Councillor J Darch |
Councillor W Cann |
Councillor J Pillar |
Councillor R Tilley |
Councillor R Souness |
Councillor J White |
Dr P Brotherton (Clerk) |
Apologies received from Councillors R Darch and Curtis
Declaration of Interest (for Items on the Agenda)
06/256 There were no declarations of interest.
06/257 Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 21st. August 2006 were circulated, read, confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Clerk’s Report
06/258 06/229, 06/195, 06/176 South Tawton Village Square. The Clerk reported that accompanied by the Chairman, Councillor A White, he had met with Mr N Pogodin (DCC Deputy Local Services Officer), Mr N Bowles (DCC Highways Maintenance Engineer, Contracts), Ms J Rumble (Senior Planning Officer (Community) Dartmoor National Park Authority), Mr D Youle and Mr A Van der Steen (Van der Steen Hall Architects Ltd.) to discuss the repair, renovation and enhancement of South Tawton square. Whilst there was general agreement about the boundaries of the area and support for the view that enhancement of the square was needed, there was no consensus about what surface should be provided. It was agreed that this question could only be answered after a survey of parishioners had establish to what use the area should be put. The Clerk was therefore asked to submit an article to the Beacon asking for such advice.
06/259 06/230, 06/196, 06/178 Parish Boundary Stones. The Chairman, Councillor A White and the Clerk met with Ms J Rumble (Senior Planning Officer (Community) Dartmoor National Park Authority) to discuss the replacement of two missing Parish boundary stones, one at Pecketsford Bridge and the other just South of Railway Farm on the B3219, at the West end of the Roman Road. After being provided with photographs of each site and a report on the state of each stone, Ms Rumble kindly offered to try to find suitable stones to replace them. It was agreed that she would expect the Council to have the stones collected and erected.
06/260 06/231, 06/197, 06/179 Drainage on Addiscott Hill. A reply had now been received from Mr M Stoddart (DCC Highways Maintenance Technician), stating that the remaining work concerning the drainage at Addiscott would be carried out in October.
06/261 06/245 Report on progress of Bike Jumps in the Recreation Ground. Councillors thanked the South Zeal Bikers for the minutes of their meeting and the copy of a letter sent to the Recreation Ground Committee. Councillor Souness (Vice Chair) said that he would confer with them and with his committee to decide on whether or not to go ahead with the proposed fencing. It was proposed by Councillor Cann, seconded by Councillor J Darch and agreed by a majority that a drainage ditch should be dug between the football pitch goal and the bike jumps.
06/262 Herringbone parking at the foot of the village. This item, not on the agenda, was accepted by Council for discussion. It had been observed that cars were being parked at an angle to the kerb at the North side of the road at the foot of the village. Councillor Cann reported that he had received six complaints from parishioners about this, mainly on the grounds that this could be dangerous. Councillor Cann further observed that this practice was contrary to the information in the Highway Code, which stipulated that cars should be parked so that their rear red reflectors would be illuminated by approaching cars. Councillor A White (Chairman) observed that there were other parking issues in the village that also needed attention. Councillor Pillar kindly agreed to address the matter.
06/263 Changes to the Electoral Registration procedure. The Clerk reported that he had been informed that there would be no need for house-to-house enquiries concerning the return of the annual canvass forms this year.
06/264 There were no questions.
06/265 Eastern Parishes Link Committee meeting.Councillor C White reported on some aspects of this meeting. In general he felt that insufficient time was allowed for discussion.
06/266 Reply to letter concerning noise generated by the A30 Trunk Road.The Clerk read a letter to the Council received from Mr J Lee (Business Manager, the Highways Agency) in response to a letter, composed by Mr G Healy, on this subject. Mr Lee held out little hope that this problem could be tackled in the near future.
06/267 Letter from Mr J. Walsh offering further help.Mr Walsh had kindly offered to continue redecorating the public toilets in the Recreation Ground as time permits and would welcome advice on colour schemes.
06/268 Workshops on Planning organised on behalf of Dartmoor National Park Authority.The Clerk drew Councillors’ attention to an invitation to attend a Parish Workshop on Planning matters, organised on behalf of the Dartmoor National Park Authority, to be held on Tuesday 27th February 2007 in Chagford village hall.
06/269 DNPA Management Plan: First Review, Second Round of Working Groups. Report.This report was made available for Councillors to consider.
06/270 DNPA Local Development Framework: Core Strategy Development Plan – Preferred Options.Two copies of the Preferred Options were made available for Councillors to consider.
06/271 Letters from parishioners concerning the Stagecoach X30 bus and Parish Plans.After the Clerk had read a letter received from Dr and Mrs K Crawford to Council, Councillors discussed the concern that they detailed, expressly that Council had not taken the opportunity to undertake a Parish Plan.
Dr and Mrs Crawford also reported that they were concerned about low-hanging tree branches on the Stagecoach X30 route, now that the company was using double-decker buses. The Clerk reported that he had already brought the matter to the attention of Mr M Stoddart (DCC Highways Maintenance Technician). The Clerk was asked to contact the bus company to enquire about the possible use of an open-topped bus to help with the necessary pruning.
Agenda items for discussion and resolution
06/272 Draft Travel and Subsistence Policy.Proposed by Councillor Cann and seconded by Councillor Tilley the motion to adopt the Policy was agreed by all. A copy would be put on public display for14 days.
06/273 Parish Councillor Nominations for representatives on the Dartmoor National Park Authority.The arrangements for the election of representatives after the May elections, proposed by the Devon Association of Parish Councils were agreed by all.
06/274 Councillor Souness (Vice Chairman) left the meeting.
06/275 Improvement of the central heating system in the Victory Hall.After discussion of the financial information and letter from the Victory Hall Committee, it was proposed by Councillor Cann and seconded by Councillor J Darch that a grant of £500 be made to support the improvements listed. All agreed.
06/276 Leakage problems affecting the Recreation Ground toilets and the pavilion.After discussing the matter it was agreed by all that there was an urgent need to find and repair the leak as soon as possible. Councillors A White (Chairman) and Pillar volunteered, with the Clerk, to address this. Dr K Crawford (parishioner) suggested that the charitable fund controlled by a company of behalf of South West Water be approached to help fund the expense of repair.
06/277 0577/06 Mr and Mrs M Lewis, Moorestone Barn, Addiscott, South Tawton.
Construction of garden shelter.
The Council re-examined this application and strongly reaffirmed their wish to support it.
06/278 WDBC 9335/2006/OKE. AR Hooper and Partners, Lower Sessland, Spreyton.
Prior Approval notification for erection of agricultural store.
On behalf of the Council, Councillor Pillar had examined this application and advised the Clerk that it seemed not to contain any matters of concern. As the response time for this application had been so short, no formal return to the Planning Authority had been made. All agreed with this course of action.
06/279 DNPA 0643/06. Mrs J Asten, Oakfield, Ramsley Lane, South Zeal.
Installation of solar collector and installation of flue for wood burner. Full Planning Permission.
The Council agreed to support this application.
06/280 DNPA 0651/06. Mrs KA Tibbles, Moonrakers, South Zeal.
Renewal of permission ref. 0517/01 for extension and conservatory.
The Council agreed to support this application.
06/281 WDBC 9339/2006/OKE. Mr and Mrs Sampson, Springfield Park, South Tawton.
Erection of porch.
The Council agreed to support this application.
06/282 DNPA 0483/06 Mr and Mrs D Carter, Lynhayes, Sticklepath
Kitchen and porch extension. Full Planning Permission.
Granted. Conditions; natural slate fixed by nailing.
06/283 WDBC 9063/2006/OKE Mr R Mawle, Woodhome Farm, South Tawton.
Conversion of barns to two dwellings. Full Planning Permission.
Granted: Conditions: No additional openings in building, not extensions or outbuildings, details of materials and external finish to be submitted, recessed windows, boundary treatment submitted, protected species considerations, grey water use.
Appeal decisions
06/284 WDBC 9063/2006/OKE Mr R Mawle, Woodhome Farm, South Tawton.
Certificate of Lawfulness in respect of use of forestry store as residential Gralerie Wood, South Tawton.
Notice of appeal by Mr. G.F. Gore to Secretary of State against refusal to issue a certificate of lawfulness.
Granted Certificate of Lawfulness
06/285 DNPA 0005/06 Mr. G.F. Gore, Pangbourne, Berks for Gralerie Woods, South Tawton
Timber decking (beside “existing dwelling”)
Notice of appeal by Mr. G.F. Gore to First Secretary of State against refusal of full planning permission.
Refused. Supplementary decision: Curtilage refused.
06/286 Councillor Cann offered to attend planning site inspections with Councillor Pillar if needed.
06/287 In the event of future Prior Approval Notification applications it was agreed that the Clerk would present a protocol at the next Council meeting to enable them to be dealt with.
No. |
Date |
Detail |
Note |
Outgoings |
Credit |
Balance |
30 |
31-Jul-06 |
Charges |
Voucher STMNT Fee |
£ 3.25 |
£ - |
£6,488.15 |
31 |
24-Aug-06 |
Post Office Ltd (SWW) |
Toilet: Water charges April-July |
£ 317.43 |
£ - |
£6,170.72 |
32 |
24-Aug-06 |
South Zeal Carnival Committee |
Grant |
£ 300.00 |
£ - |
£5,870.72 |
33 |
24-Aug-06 |
Devon Assoc. Parish Councils |
Fee for AGM and lunch |
£ 15.00 |
£ - |
£5,855.72 |
34 |
24-Aug-06 |
DNPA toilet grant |
Annual grant |
£ - |
£ 246.75 |
£6,102.47 |
35 |
30-Aug-06 |
Charges |
Voucher STMNT Fee |
£ 3.25 |
£ - |
£6,099.22 |
36 |
13-Sep-06 |
Mr P Squires |
Toilet cleaning. August. |
£ 82.25 |
£ - |
£6,016.97 |
37 |
13-Sep-06 |
EDF Energy |
For Toilet block. |
£ 25.53 |
£ - |
£5,991.44 |
38 |
13-Sep-06 |
Dr P.N.Brotherton |
Clerk's wages, July-Sept 06 |
£ 370.50 |
£ - |
£5,620.94 |
39 |
13-Sep-06 |
Dr P.N.Brotherton |
Clerk's expenses, July-Sept 06 |
£ 35.82 |
£ - |
£5,585.12 |
06/288 Proposed by Councillor Cann and seconded by Councillor J White and agreed by all, the accounts were adopted.
06/289 Proposed by Councillor A White (Chairman) and seconded by Councillor J Darch, it was agreed by all to make a grant of £12.50 to the Beacon to help with the expense of printing the new bus timetable.
The meeting ended at 9.40 pm.