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Changes at the beacon villages website

As many of you will know, Pete has now finished his involvement with the website. He has done a great job over the past few years and we wish him good luck in the future.

The website will continue, however, and we are in the process of trying to get together a group of volunteers and contributors to help keep it going. At the moment Robin Tilley is assuming an editorial role, and I (Rob Herridge) am working on the technical side. We hope that all the regular contributors of the last few years will continue to submit features, articles and stories, and that we may get some new contributors too. Serveral people have already expressed a willingness to help.

You won't see many changes in this issue, as it has been a bit of a rush to get everything moved over to the new servers and for me to get a grasp of how things are laid out technically. However, over the next few months/years we hope to make a number of format changes and content additions. If anyone has any comments or suggestions on what they would like to see on the site then please don't hesitate to email me at rob@beacon-villages.co.uk

The major change for this month is the new format photo archive. Robin has managed to accumulate over 500 pictures for this month's issue alone, which are all linked from the News Page.

Expect to see further changes in the future - Watch this space
