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Beacon Villages Journal
Ursula's Corner

Church House Ale poster

Attractive house attracts

The ancient Church House, South Tawton, is being discovered by some UK and overseas visitors by accident when they travel across country, one way or another, to enjoy Devon villages. To unexpectedly find a Tudor hall in pristine condition is regarded as finding the jewel in the local crown by the off-the-beaten-track travellers who seemingly pass on the news of their discovery to others by word of mouth, mobile phone. Visitors are finding it hard to believe that the building is open free of charge on Sundays and Wednesdays, that it has disabled access to the ground floor and toilets and possesses an induction hearing loop. It is not only probably becoming one of the most photographed buildings in the area but local use of the premises for talks, art and music events and meetings music are already increasing since the re-opening of the building after its restoration. Church House was built soon after 1490 as a special place where parishioners gathered to enjoy Church Ales, festivities that raised money for the church and to assist the poor. Morning coffee and cream teas usually available to visitors during the 11.00am – 5.00pm opening hours are already popular. The revival of the Church Ales festivities on May 29th will complete the restoration of the objectives of local self-help being enjoyed by all that were established in the building over 500 years ago. More information on school or groups visits, special events or hall hire can be obtained by calling 01837 840418.

Players AGM

Members of the Belstone Players will be holding their AGM at 7.30p.m, on Thursday, 1st June in Belstone Village Hall, the scene of their regular theatrical triumphs. This presents all those that long for local stage fame to go along to meet the team that can make those dreams come true. On stage, back stage, front of house the opportunities that are there can all be considered when the players’ plans for the future are revealed.




Dartmoor encounter

The series of ‘Encounters’ to which everyone is invited continues in the ancient Church House, South Tawton, at 7.30p.m. on Thursday, June 1st when Ian Brooker is guest speaker. During his career as a Dartmoor National Park Ranger he has experienced many encounters with the moor’s inhabitants and visitors in the course of work that is as varied and widespread as the moor itself. With new views of the moor to be revealed this is yet another Encounter that will add to the reputation the series has gained.   

A grand day out

"A Grand Day Out" is being staged on the playing field, South Zeal on Saturday, 3rd June, to raise funds for the Okehampton based, internationally renowned, rescue organisation RAPID –UK.
The attractions on the field will be many and varied, An Antiques Expert -will value 3 items for £3.00, there is the opportunity for Ladies and Gentlemen to bare their knobbly knees in competitions, skittles, target golf, wet sponges, a duck race, football penalties and races for children are all among the entertainment and activities. Design a Scarecrow and bring it on the day for it to be to be judged during the afternoon, - entry £2.00, and you can put it to work in the garden afterwards. The events on the playing field, sorry, no dogs allowed, the events run from 2.00pm until 6.00p.m. just giving enough time for everyone to get home for tea before they rush out again to enjoy a country dance in the Victory Hall from 8.00pm until 11.30pm. Dancing will be to Walter Shortage and the Hosepipe Band and entry for adults is £3.00, under 16's £1.50. For further information ring Chris McPhee on 01837 840660.



Moor-walk to help many

On Sunday, June 4th, there is an opportunity to spend a Sunday with your family and friends enjoying a moor-walk in this unique and beautiful part of Devon while also supporting the vital work of Cancer Research UK's scientists fight against breast cancer.  There are two glorious walks to choose from, one of 13 miles and the other of just 6 miles and the routes have been carefully chosen to combine interest, scenic beauty and safety. They both start and finish at Okehampton Rugby Club, with refreshments available before setting out and on returning. The start time is from 11.00a.m, entry costs £6 and entry forms are available from Carol Barkwell, Lyndridge, Ranelagh Road, Okehampton. Tel: 01837 54782 or 07785 971960.


Mini bus service threatened

Unfortunately the lovely blue Acorn Mini- bus facility is simply not being taken advantage of in the Cheriton Bishop area resulting in some recent Wednesday shopping trips to Exeter being cancelled. Also cancelled was the excursion to Bickleigh Mill and Tiverton due to lack of support. For shopping trips 4 people are required to travel and for excursions the requirement is for 5 people. Those that have already been on an excursion thoroughly enjoyed themselves and this is a superb service with good local drivers who invariably will collect passengers and return them to their door; and even carry shopping bags to the door. However, if the services are not used they will be lost altogether and it is so easy to ring Joan Bainbridge on 01647 252701 on a Monday to book a seat for the Wednesday shopping trip. If Joan isn’t available, her voice will soon be heard asking callers to leave her a message or a phone number that she can call back to as soon as she returns to the office. For details of excursions that take people wherever they fancy, perhaps to Sidmouth for only £3, all that is necessary is to call Joan Bainbridge, or Alison Penaluna who is on 01647 24079 or Jan on 24659 and they can then select the most favoured place and a arrange a driver Acorn Mini- bus is a marvellous facility so, please USE it or LOSE it is the organisers’ message.



Sticklepath flower show

The annual Sticklepath Flower Show takes place on Saturday 19th August and the organisers anticipate another full range of activities and attractions on the field and that the Village Hall and the Methodist Chapel will be filled with flowers and produce. This year's event is expected to be bigger and more ambitious than previous years, which permits the organisers to invite more volunteers to participate and show their crafts and skills. For example, hurdle-makers, woodturners, metalworkers or anyone interested in displaying a craft or providing an entertainment, juggling, portrait drawing, face-painting etc. are urged to contact the show organisers on 01837 849123 or the Village Hall Committee Secretary on 840757.




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