Welcome to
South Tawton School
admin@southtawton.devon.sch.uk |

I try only to include items that might be of interest to the wider community . For parental issues, please look at the School Site above!
Thank You
To Henry Marshall of Marshall Joinery, for sponsoring some drug education books for the Y6 class. |
FOSTPS Fashion Show
Thank you to everyone who helped to make this event such a successful and enjoyable evening, particularly the models and the wine slaves! We are pleased to report that the total raised was £660 (this included £106 commission from Off the Peg, 10% commission from In House and Virgin Vie sales, raffle and ticket sales).
Netball Tournament
MANY THANKS to everyone who played or helped in any way with the netball tournament and barbecue on Thursday 18th May. A good time was had by all despite the weather and a total of £222 was raised. We are hoping to organise the football tournament after half term and we will advise you of the date as soon as possible. |
RAPID-UK 'Grand Day Out' - 3rd June, Recreation Ground, South Zeal
Sponsored walk/treasure hunt starting at 12 noon. Approx. 5 miles so you will be back in time to enjoy the events on the field. Sponsor forms available from The Store, Sticklepath Stores or Chris McPhee, 37 Hillfield, South Zeal. Treasure Hunt sheets are £2 on the field on the day. Anyone with a sponsor form with at least £2 on it will get a treasure hunt sheet free!
Attractions on the field will be many and varied, an Antiques Expert will value 3 items for £3, Ladies and Gents Knobbly Knees Competition (go on, be brave!), Skittles, Target Golf, Wet Sponges, Duck Race, Football Penalties, Children's Races, etc. Design a scarecrow and bring it on the day - Entry £2 to be judged during the afternoon and you can put it in the garden afterwards! The events on the field run from 2 - 6pm, home for tea then enjoy a country dance in the Victory Hall starting at 8pm until 11.30pm dancing to Walter Shortage and the Hosepipe Band - Entry Adults £3, Under 16's £1.50
Come and have a 'A Grand Day Out' in wonderful surroundings, supporting a worthwhile charity. For further information please ring Chris McPhee on 01837 840660. Please remember no dogs are allowed on the playing field.
20th May: Saturday 10 – 11.30am in the Victory Hall. South Zeal Pre-School – Baby & Children’s Table Top Sale Equipment, toys, games, books, clothes, crafts and much more! There will also be a cake stall, raffle and refreshments.
If you would like a table to sell your old toys, games etc. please phone 01837 840775. Tables are only £5 each but please book in advance.
Sainsburys – Active Kids
We are participating in this scheme to collect sports equipment – Please encourage your family and friends to collect the vouchers which will be available from 8th February to 30th May and send them to school (preferably counted and in bundles of 10 or 100 please!)
North Devon Festival
We have been asked to advertise this event – the festival takes place throughout the month of June, has over 200 events, many of which are very family friendly. To receive a brochure contact the festival hotline on 01271 324242 or visit the website at www.northdevonfestival.org
Tesco – Cartridge Recycling
Your child will bring home a plastic envelope – this is to recycle any inkjet cartridges, which you (or members of your friends and family/work place) may have. For every cartridge that is sent to Tesco, we will receive 10 vouchers towards our collection for ICT equipment. If you require more envelopes, please ask the office. |
Here is a terrific new way in which you can help us to increase our funding without digging into your own pockets. Free membership of www.ib-long.com gives you direct access to a shopping portal with almost 500 of the most important high street shops including M&S, B&Q, Boots, Thomas Cook, Curry’s, Ebay and Tesco, and important service providers such as BT, Tiscali, Tmobile and many others. With every pound you spend, you will receive up to 15% back for yourself and South Tawton Primary School will also receive the same amount again in cash! All for doing something that you are probably doing anyway. On-line shopping! Shopping prices are the same, but the rewards are much greater than the usual credit card or store card points and, for instance, you may get as much as £25 for buying your car or home insurance via ib-long – and, of course, so would South Tawton Primary School.
WHAT TO DO? Simply log into www.ib-long.com and register as a member. It’s free! Nominate South Tawton Primary School as your chosen beneficiary in the first space. Once you are registered just go shopping! Then watch the money that you make for yourself and for us rise! This is a great opportunity for us to raise some much-needed new funds. Thank you for helping.
Wanted! - Volunteers to run extra-curricular clubs
At a recent school council meeting the children requested more clubs, especially 'hobby' clubs rather than the sporting and musical clubs offered by staff. Are there any parents who might be able to assist? The children's suggestions included - a cookery club, a board games club and a sewing club. Mrs Culverhouse will be running a Cookery club after Christmas - details to follow.
Car Parking
We have had a kind offer from The Kings Arms in South Zeal. They are happy for any parents to make use of their car park to the rear of the pub at the beginning and end of the school day to help ease the congestion in the village. Please make use of this offer.
The Kings Arms kindly let us use their car park in the morning and afternoon to help ease congestion in the village. Several parents do use this facility however they are finding that cars are being parked at the entrance to the car park/opposite the pub, which hinders their access. Please use the car parks available in the village and keep the roads clear for access.
Remember that the car park at the Recreation Ground has plenty of spaces with a footpath across to the main street available now.
Stamps for Hospicecare
Ursula Radford at Buttercup Cottage, South Zeal would be grateful for any used stamps, which she saves for Hospicecare. Please leave them in her porch. |
COLLECTIONS - We would be grateful for any Box Tops from Nestle Cereal packets, Stars from Persil Washing Powder and used printer cartridges, all of which can be exchanged for cash/educational equipment.
PAINTING APRONS - Does anybody have pvc/painting aprons their children have gown out of? Classes R & 1 would be very grateful!
MATCHBOXES - Y5 will be grateful for empty matchboxes to be collected during the holidays for a literacy project which they will undertaking in the Autumn term.
UNIFORM - We have reversible coats (waterproof/fleece) with our logo for just £15 each, available in the office, all sizes available.
BLANKETS/WALLPAPER - Please could we have any spare blankets/wallpaper for playtime use. Thank you.
PLASTIC BOTTLE TOPS - Please note that Chris Williams at Restland House, Belstone is now collecting these again
Persil Stars
Persil are running an arts materials scheme again this year, which we are taking part in. Please collect the stars from packs of washing powder, bring them into school over the next 10 months and we can use them to receive free arts resources for school. Please encourage your family, friends and neighbours to collect for us.
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