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Beacon Villages Journal
A view from the hen house!
photos by Rosie Thayer

Safari Supper

This year's Safari Supper for South Tawton/South Zeal took place on 16 th September 2005 . As you will see from the photos it got off to a merry start with pre dinner drinks at St. Andrew Church, as Church House was out of commission. We all headed off about 7:40 p.m. to various houses for starters and to different houses for main course and yet another house for dessert.now you see why it is called 'Safari Supper'. Each couple provided one course at their own house! I thoroughly enjoyed my starters and main course. It is a great opportunity to enjoy different dishes and dining styles. Vegetarians and Vegans were catered for. My guests raved about their various gastronomic experiences at starters and main courses. One lady suggested we produce a cookery book! I was asked for recipes for my desserts of Hazelnut Meringue, Cranberry and Orange Torte and Italian Blackberry & Almond Cake. There were lots of laughs, stories and harmless gossip! I even found out the name of the people who have bought a house in South Tawton .more of that anon. I shall make a point of meeting them when they move in. It was a real challenge for Jackie Yeates and I to work out who goes where while not sending people to the same place as last year. I think that next year we will have to widen the net and the radius a bit. If you took part perhaps you would like to invite a friend to join in or maybe mention it to new neighbours. Judging by the number of houses for sale in South Zeal and South Tawton , it would be a lovely way for them to meet 'the locals'. Proceeds went to refurbishment of refreshments area at St. Andrew Church.

CAB Advice Week - September 12 th - 18 th

Advice Week is an annual Citizens Advice service-wide event. This year it took place on 12-18 September This week gives the Bureaux an opportunity to recruit new volunteers needed to meet the demand for our advice and to hold street collections to raise much needed funds. Every Citizens Advice Bureaux is an independent registered charity and without the contribution of our trained volunteers and financial support from trusts, lottery funds, companies and individuals, we could not continue to provide this vital service in our local community. Many people were amazed to learn that the CAB is a registered charity as they assume it is government funded. As a Trustee with the West Devon Citizens Advice Bureaux I was pleased to volunteer some time to promote awareness of the service. There was a stall outside Somerfield Supermarket on Wednesday 14th September where I joined Chris, one of the new volunteers and a Coffee Morning on Friday 17th at Charter Hall from 9 a.m.- 12noon. The Citizens Advice service helps people resolve their legal, money and other problems by providing free, independent and confidential advice. If you would like to use the service , volunteer or make a financial contribution please telephone the CAB offices - 01837 52574 (The Ockment Community Centre, North Street , Okehampton, Devon EX20 1AR) or Tavistock Tel. 01822 612359 ( Kingdon House, North Street Entrance, Tavistock, Devon , PL19 OAN ).

Drunk or in charge of new glasses?

Oh dear following a recent eye test I was advised to wear glasses all the time. They recommended I try varifocals and gave the usual warning about how some people find them difficult to get used to! Determined to give them a try I swanned out of the opticians and decided to try out my new 'eyes' in a local charity shop. Fantastic I can read small print! I made a couple of purchases and on leaving the shop developed a thumping headache and had the strangest sensation of walking on air. Anyone watching me could be forgiven for thinking I was drunk or at least doing a good impersonation of a horse 'pawing' the ground! I had to take them off to cross the road! My dizziness was nothing to Michael's reaction when I got home and told him they cost £422!!! (but darling the second pair are 'free'). It is amazing what I can now see about the house..including dog hair, dust and cobwebs. Ignorance was bliss but now I am going to have to do some spring-cleaning.

Nine Days of Art

Did any of our readers get to see the art exhibitions in South and West Devon from 10th - 18 th September? I made a point of visiting our local artist Ron Andrews at The Wood Studio, Redstone Pottery, South Tawton . While he was busy talking to visitors his wife Vivienne showed me around. She told me that Ron had given up his engineering business to study art at Exeter University . The engineering influence was evident in his work with various paintings having a 'cogs and wheels' theme. He uses various media but I particularly liked the lino cut prints. The brochure describes his work as 'Experimental printmaking from the figurative to the abstract as inspired by local trees' including the great Oak in Sticklepath. When we finally got Ron to ourselves I must confess that part of the conversation centred around the enormous fourteen-year old cat that sat on the rug in the centre of the studio! When asked what he was getting from the Art Degree Course Ron said something like 'it stretches your thinking, takes you outside of what you know.but it also takes you away from the type of art you want to do!' I was very impressed with his studio loft. What a wonderful light and airy space to work and exhibit in. Thank you to the Devon Artists Network who organised this event. I for one have discovered the hidden world of a local artist and wish him much success for the future.

I am afraid I can't put names to all the faces above and as Rosie has just used initials on some, all have been left off!

Dartmoor Military Heritage Weekend 10 th and 11 th September

The Heavens opened and down the rain poured. I stood and watched the parade in Okehampton, led by the National Youth Band of the Royal British Legion, to commemorate the 60 th anniversary of VE / VJ Days. Okehampton branch members of the RBL were joined by contingents of the Okehampton detachments of the Devon Army Cadets and Air Training Corps. The President of the Okehampton branch of RBL, Micky Dyer of Belstone, led the 'old soldiers' undeterred by the rain. I found it very moving. I did not get to the Okehampton Army Camp to enjoy the displays as I had to dash back to South Tawton for the Special Trafalgar Day service at St Andrew Church. Following the service people walked to South Zeal to take part in the presentation to Bill Cann. (see photos elsewhere on this site).

Roy Jones
Old Soldiers
George Heathman
 Micky Dyer
P D Williams Ray Rattenbury
RBL Youth Band marching

South Zeal W.I. meets on the second Thursday of every month at 7:30 p.m. in Victory Hall.

October 13 th - Margaret Ireland: 'Flower Arranging'

November 10th - AGM & Annabelle Reynolds: Harpist

December 1 st - Christmas Social-Shelly Chapel




Alongside the monthly meeting with speaker, members enjoy a range of other events such as coffee mornings, Cabaret, Carnival and Craft Fair. New members always welcome or pop along as a visitor (50p) to any of the above. For further information telephone Frances Hucker Hon. Secretary, 840347.