Beacon Villages Journal |
A view from the hen house! |
photos by Rosie Thayer |
What a busy month August has been! Here are some snippets:
Folk Festival at South Zeal
Great Folk Festival..'best yet' I heard people say. I'm still laughing at the songs sung by 'Dangerous Curves' - ladies of a certain age! I do hope to get to their Christmas Show having been treated to one of their Christmas specials!!! I was also really taken with Roy Bailey - well known on the festival trail. His songs were more poignant and thought provoking and apparently he is as well known now for his children's songs. I met this lovely couple in the craft tent. He was demonstrating how to make rope from straw. We got chatting as you do and I learnt that he and his wife got married forty years ago in St. Andrew Church South Tawton. Wishing you both continued marital bliss or whatever it is that has kept you together all those years! |
Folk Festival
Arlington House |
Birthday treat!
I celebrated my birthday towards the end of August with a day trip to Arlington Court, a National Trust property in Barnstable. What a fascinating place to visit - house, Carriage Collection,
Bat-cam and garden .We had the Bat cave to ourselves (viewed via the Bat-Cam!) and saw the lesser horseshoe bat A sight to behold when in flight no doubt. I read that it is one of our smallest British species. The extraordinary collections of Rosalie Chichester fill the house including a fine collection of model ships brought back from her travels around the world. Michael was envious of the collection of snuffboxes especially the horn and silver snuff mulls from Scotland. I particularly liked the examples of quilting and needlework. and swanking up and down the grand staircase! I could not resist a ride in a horse drawn carriage (see photo!). Luckily it had stopped raining just before we boarded! Michael let it be known that it was my birthday and the other passengers sang Happy Birthday to me. All that was needed to make the carriage ride complete was a bottle of champagne..'did you hear what I said Michael... a bottle of champagne' |
Flower Festival
Months of planning resulted in a wonderful Flower Festival at St. Andrew Church from 19 th - 21 st August. The theme was the well-known hymn 'All things Bright and Beautiful'. There was a steady stream of people over the three days with Sunday proving the most popular day. The lady from Crediton who said 'You have brought a lot of joy to a lot of people' summed up the delightful comments in the visitor's book. Tea and cakes were available throughout the festival and the home baking was much appreciated by those attending. The sun shone on the B-B-Q on Saturday as visitors and volunteers tucked into Keith Redstone's cooking! On Saturday evening there was quiet a buzz at the 'Wine & Cheese' event and guests enjoyed listening to Annabelle play the harp The Flower Festival concluded on Sunday evening with a Songs of Praise service for over seventy people led by Rev. Michael Thayer. Wendy Redstone, the Co-ordinator of the Flower team was so pleased with the results (including raising over £1,800 for church refurbishment) that she is seriously planning to do it all again next year! Congratulations to all involved.
WI Day out to Tiverton Canal
We were all on best behaviour as many of the husbands joined the W.I. ladies on the August day trip to the Great Western Canal. First stop was Fisherman's Cot at Bickleigh for a delicious carvery lunch. I sat with Joyce and Barry Wood and heard all about their new grandchild. Then it was off to Tiverton to the Great Western Canal and all aboard the horseboat. Our 'captain' Phil regaled us with the history of the canal and witty anecdotes. The canal was built in 1814 for primary use of the lime trade. It eventually closed in 1869. How peaceful it was moving slowly along the 11-mile stretch of river and getting a feel for how it was in 'the good aul days'. Some wildlife was spotted - heron, ducks Kingfisher and moorhen. There was a short stop to view the one and only Aqueduct on the Grand Western Canal and to give the horse a rest. All that fresh air meant snoozing passengers on the journey home.ZZZZZZZZ! |
WI Cream Tea for ACWW 15 th August 2005
South Zeal W.I decided to take advantage of the Post Office being open on a Monday afternoon at Sticklepath Village Hall to raise money for charity. They hosted Cream Teas and the proceeds go to the W.I. adopted charity ACWW - The Associated Country Women of the World. This charity helps traditionally marginalized rural women. A big thank-you to those who baked cakes for the cake stall and to those who supported the event. |
South Zeal W.I. meets on the second Thursday of every month at 7:30 p.m. in Victory Hall.
September 8 th - Lush for life-'Pamper Session'
October 13 th - Margaret Ireland: 'Flower Arranging'
November 10th - AGM & Annabelle Reynolds: Harpist
December 1 st - Christmas Social-Shelly Chapel
Needlework Exhibition - 2 nd & 3 rd September
It promises to be a fantastic event at the Charter Hall and will raise funds for Hospice Care. The exhibitors include Castle Quilters, Upcott Quilters, Westbridge Quilters and Rowena Light, Textile Artist and her students. As a member of Castle Quilters I am frantically trying to finish off my items for the exhibition.. my UFO's.. un-finished objects!!! Admission is free and there will be refreshments available on both days. A charity quilt made by Castle Quilters will be raffled on Saturday. Tickets have been on sale for several months and Sue Leech expects to reach her target of £3,000.

Alongside the monthly meeting with speaker, members enjoy a range of other events such as coffee mornings, Cabaret, Carnival and Craft Fair. New members always welcome or pop along as a visitor (50p) to any of the above. For further information telephone Frances Hucker Hon. Secretary, 840347. |