Under Cosdon Beacon
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Cosdon, Sticklepath, South Zeal, Belstone, South Tawton, Dartmoor.
Under Cosdon Beacon, Dartmoor, Devon, U.K.

South Zeal



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Saturday 15-03-2025

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Please could we have donations of small (YR/Y1 preferably) clothing which can be used in case of accidents – socks, tights, skirts, jogging bottoms, pants would be most useful.
Class R are collecting wellies between the sizes of 8 and 2. Any spares? Please send them in.
We are collecting Persil stars, which appear on packets of Persil washing powder, please cut them out and send to school to help us obtain free art and craft materials.

Chess Club – Thursday Lunchtime

Rev Smart has a large number of enthusiastic players and would welcome some more volunteers to help, perhaps on a rota basis. If you could spare ½ hour we would be pleased to hear from you.

Okehampton Youth Rugby

Okehampton Youth Rugby are seeking new players in Year 4 to train on Sunday mornings, 10 – 11.30am at Okehampton Rugby Club. Rob Curtis and Martin White will take the training sessions each week. If you are interested, please go along to the club on Sunday. Thank you

Plastic Milk Bottle Tops
We have been asked by Mr & Mrs Jewell of Rose Cottage, Throwleigh Road, South Zeal to ask for help in collecting these for a worthwhile cause – they have to collect enough to balance the weight of a mother, whose child requires a wheelchair to enable it to be obtained free of charge. They can either be delivered direct or passed into school and Sue will pass them on.

Write Here, Write Now Competition

This year we have again had 4 children shortlisted as winners in this Literacy competition. Congratulations to Buster Francis, Gerard Simpson, Nick Hobbs and Jack Carroll. Check out the web site at www.writehere.org.uk

FOSTCPS Curry & Quiz Evening
This will take place on Friday 21st May in the Victory Hall at 7.30pm. Teams of 4 are invited to book their place: £5 a team and £2.50 per person for curry. Please let Sue know in the office if you would like to join us.

Nestle Box Tops

This term there is an added incentive to saving the box tops – for each sheet of tops we collect, we can enter a draw to have a visit to our school by a top pop band – please send them to the office by no later than 19th March.

Thank you!

Wiz & Jo would like to thank everyone who supported their recent fundraising events for their trip to Goa, £539 was raised at the coffee morning and £45 at the cheese & wine evening If you would like to donate further towards the charity, please ring them: Wiz 01837 840557 or Jo 01837 659467

Last modified 01/29/2010 11:21:00

Tea Towels

We have a few blue and a few brown left for sale in the office. Thank you to everyone who has supported this fundraising item, £227 has been raised which will be used to help subsidise class visits.

Mealtime Assistants

Is there anyone who would like to be put on our supply list for Mealtime Assistants? We occasionally require someone to cover for absence and would like to have a number of people we could call on in an emergency. Please let Sue know in the office if you would be able to help. Thank you.


We have now had a delivery of the long-awaited coats from School Trends. Those parents who had pre-ordered them are very pleased with them and we have a couple in the office in different sizes if anyone would like to have a look, try them on or order. They are fleece inside and waterproof on the outside and just right for the recent weather!

Junior Church

St Andrews Junior Church welcomes children between the ages of 4 – 11 years, held in Church House, South Tawton. Sunday 8th & 15th February at 9.30am. For any information please see Jane White, Jenny Frangleton, Kim Renfrew or Helen Howard.

Scholastic Book Fair & Book Club

Thank you to everyone who supports our book club and fair. We earn varying amounts of commission, depending upon the amount of books sold at each event/from each mailing which is used to provide new books for the library ~ since Christmas alone we have been able to purchase approximately £200 worth of new books! Please return any orders from the current February leaflets to the office by no later than 24th March. You may use your World Book Day tokens in part payment for books from Scholastic – these tokens will be handed out to children in the first week of March.

Walk to School Day – World Book Week – Friday 12th March

We will combine the two events this term with a walk to school, meeting at the Recreation Ground Car Park at 08.40am, dressed up as a favourite character from a book/wearing a mask of our favourite character or carrying a placard of our favourite book.