Where did your name originate?
If you have visited this site before, you will have seen messages from people, who are interested in tracing their ancestry and getting in touch with others, to whom they are related or who remember facts about their family background.
Most of these people are already knowledgeable about the methodology of tracing their ancestors. What they are looking for are links, to fill in the missing gaps, in their researches so far.
There will be others of you who may have always wondered, but have never had the need or the impetus to start making enquiries, and so, don’t have the experience or expertise, to know how to start.
A final group of you, may just, by accident, have noticed your surname cropping up a few times, either in the local histories or in the place names around here. You may now be living in a part of the world, far remote from the green pastures and high tors of the Beacon Villages area, and might find it exciting to be able to trace your roots back to here.
Whichever category you might fall into, we want to make it easy for you to simply e-mail us, with a short notice to put up on our pages, to enable you to get in touch with others who might share your interests or family name.
At present, with few enquiries, we are able to expand into much detail, if required. As time goes by, it may be necessary to be more brief or to do away with the (to some, annoying) flashing signs. This is a first step which will be developed and changed to suit your needs.
There are a few useful sites listed, for those wishing to make a first step. No doubt those of you with experience can e-mail us with further recommendations. We will gladly post these, if you do.
You will find the page halfway down the first ‘Introducing’ menu.