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What does this mean?

We are ever-increasingly being described as living in ‘communities’. What exactly is that word supposed to imply?
Personally, I live in a village, others live in the countryside, in hamlets, towns and cities. Is it intended to destabilise us, so we no longer have a sense of belonging to our traditional roots?
If not, can anybody explain it? Otherwise its’ very enthusiastic use can only be laid at the door of the EU.

G. Hall, Whites Cottage, South Zeal

Run for fun, girls

WHEN did you last get together with the girls?
The Flora Light Challenge for Women is the perfect excuse to catch up and keep fit by running, jogging or walking the 5 km fun run with friends and family in aid of Mencap. At the same time, you'll be raising money to help improve the lives of children and adults with a learning disability in the UK.
Get down to Hyde Park or Birmingham city centre on September 14 and be part of the largest female fun run in the UK.
So whether you're fit or not so fit, what are you waiting for? All you need to do is call 0845 9777 779 for information or e-mail

It only costs £12 to register and £5 goes to Mencap.
Kate Lawler, TV presenter On behalf of Mencap