North East Dartmoor
Sth Tawton Parish
South Zeal
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Dartmoor "The Last Great Wilderness" 
"If you want sternness and loneliness, you may pass into Dartmoor. There are wastes and wilds, crags of granite, views into far off districts and the sounds of waters hurrying away over their rocky beds, enough to satisfy the largest hungering and thirsting after poetical delight. I shall never forget the feelings of delicious enhancement with which I approached the outskirts of Dartmoor."

William Howitt, Rural Life of England, 1838, Vol 2, p 378

The Dartmoor National Park

Dartmoor National Park is situated in the southern part of the county of Devon, and is the most southerly national park in Britain, covering an area of 368 sq miles (953.11 sq.kms). Its core consists of a high, rolling upland, with the highest ground being found in the north moor. Dartmoor's relatively large area of unenclosed moorland, its farmed landscapes, and its valleys of broad-leaved woodland, combined with its imposing array of wildlife and cultural heritage and its integrity as uninterrupted upland, provides enjoyment to millions of people every year and is the home to over 33,000 people.

Dartmoor National Park Authority   2003 
