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South Tawton Parish Appraisal

We recently held an Open Meeting to start this Village Appraisal. We would like this consultation to be extended, so we have asked for facilities on the Beacon web site and in South Zeal Stores, courtesy of Mr and Mrs Law, to continue this process.

We would like to know what topics to include in the questionnaire, which will be delivered to all houses in the Parish. So have your say, what are your burning issues about the Parish??

You can have your say by clicking here

Any idea is a good idea, but here is a list of topics that might trigger your imagination. We would like your name and address if you wish to record it.

The EnvironmentFootpaths,Bridleways,Peace and Quiet,Management of Dartmoor,Light Pollution,Borough Acres,Rurality,Structure of our Villages, Renewable Energy projects, Global warming, Flooding, Best Village Competition, Conservation, Hedges, Farmland, Wild-life surveys, Satellite dishes, Composting,
Local GovernmentParish Council, West Devon Borough Council, County Council
ServicesRe-cycling, Pay as you Throw, Road maintenance, Drainage/sewerage, Street Lighting, Digital TV/Radio
FacilitiesShop/Post Office/Shopping, Churches, Public Houses/Hotels, Recreation Ground, Car Parks, Toilets, The Victory Hall, Clubs, Societies and other groups, Leisure and Recreation, Sports, Schools, Allotments
CommunicationsThe Beacon, The Beacon Villages Web-site, Notice Boards, News Letters, Mobile phones, Digital TV reception
CrimeThe Police, Dog-fouling, Theft, Security, Neighbourhood Watch
MedicalDentists, Flu jabs, Vaccinations, Picking up prescriptions, The Elderly, Doctors/Nurses, Hospitals, Medical Centres
EmploymentTourism, Industry, Training, Workshops, Working from home, Retirement
HousingAffordability, Renting, Housing Surveys, Planning issues, Land use/Building land, Development Plans, Types/Size of House,
TransportBuses,Parking,Speed limits,Traffic calming,Garages
OtherVoice for young parishioners, What you really like about the parish, What you really dislike about the parish
Contact numbers: Peter Brotherton 840685, Julian Pillar 840054, Andy White 840 443, Jane White 840162


This page contains a single entry from the site posted on January 13, 2008 6:22 PM.

The previous post in this site was South Tawton & District Local History Group Annual Open Meeting.

The next post in this site is Church House Concerts.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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