November Update
November 2007

South Zeal Carnival
South Zeal Carnival

I was contemplating what I should write to introduce this month’s photos and my daughter (it being half term and all that) said, "Why don’t you write the same as you did last month because nobody reads it anyway; save yourself some bother!"

So with that encouraging thought, let me draw your attention to this year’s Carnival…..

I must say I have every admiration for all the entrants because, having organised a float for the last two years, I am fully conscious of the effort that has to go into getting them ready; and as for the committee – well all power to them for keeping things going so well!

I must say I have every admiration for all the entrants because, having organised a float for the last two years, I am fully conscious of the effort that has to go into getting them ready; and as for the committee – well all power to them for keeping things going so well!

What has happened to the local pub entries? They seem to have been diminishing over the years. Perhaps we should begin a concerted campaign starting now to encourage the 'locals' to enter.

Whiddone Down Traction Engine
Whiddon Down Traction Engine
Cider With Roadies
Cider With Roadies

It was a bit damp this year, so you will definitely find that some of the photographs I took increase in blurriness.

Somehow or other the Whiddon Down steam traction engine and the Cider with Roadies pictures did not appear on this site last month (pace Rob!) so here they are this time – I hope!

I took a few shots of South Zeal United’s match against Tipton St John a couple of weeks ago, and it is with some trepidation that I post these up. I fear to report that we lost about 6-1. SZU quite unusually lost faith in themselves in this match and were unable to regain it for some inexplicable reason. I am told that they are now back to their normal buoyant and successful selves once again though!

South Zeal United
South Zeal United
Apple Picking
Apple Picking

Our annual cider apple picking day was very relaxed and enjoyable this year. When coming out of the orchard at 1 mph, I accidentally drove a front wheel over a hidden tree stump causing what looked like a minor bit of damage to the trim - which I discover is going to cost some £2,300 to repair. Expensive apples!

The World Cup final was viewed at the Kings Arms. Having snapped the reaction to that final goal in the 2003 final at the same location I was hoping to achieve the same for this event. Alas we lost - despite getting the only try – but here are some shots of the disappointed spectators for the record.

Rugby World Cup
Rugby World Cup
Apple Picking
Apple Picking

Our annual cider apple picking day was very relaxed and enjoyable this year. When coming out of the orchard at 1 mph, I accidentally drove a front wheel over a hidden tree stump causing what looked like a minor bit of damage to the trim - which I discover is going to cost some £2,300 to repair. Expensive apples!

Puntasia – another brilliant display by the Fireshow. Alas, it is so popular I couldn’t get into any position where I cold get some good shots so I just held the camera up in the air pointing it vaguely in the right direction and pressed the shutter with my eyes shut. The results as you can see are rather as you might expect.

So that’s it - does anyone else have any pictures that they would like to send in?

Sticklepath Fireshow
Sticklepath Fireshow

Robin Tilley - November 2007