Late May Update (Ed: sorry)
May 2007

For those of you who have read the May edition of "The Beacon"and wish to see the Fashion Show photographs, all you have to do is click on the picture shown here and you will go straight to the others. It was a very good evening and I shall be interested to hear in due course how much was raised for Red Nose Day.

Fashion Show
"The Beacon" 25th Birthday

"The Beacon" celebrated 25 years of existence with a big party on Friday 20th April for everyone who has been involved with the magazine at any time since its inception, including all the collators, binders ex-committee members and deliverers. If you click on the group photograph shown here you will go straight through to the rest of them. (If I could just leave a message for Mike: Sorry Mike, all bar one of the pictures of me were accidentally deleted. Shame!)

There are no pictures this year of the Pace Egging play on St George’s Day. Firstly, I was playing the part of Hector which made taking photographs a little tricky; and secondly it was pouring with rain. However there are some shots of the warm, and wet and dry session afterwards at the bar of the Ox with Dave, Bill, Shirley and Nick joining in the verses of traditional songs with our Exeter friends and all the rest of us helping the choruses go with a degree of wobbly verve. Just click on the picture to reach the other photos.

St George's Day
South Zeal United vs Beacon Knights

There are also some more action shots of South Zeal United playing at home in April. I confess I can’t remember who the opposition was now - but maybe that is just as well as we lost that day. But I do remember that it was a good game.
Ed: I suspect they were playing "The Beacon Knights", as this was the only team they lost to in April. You can follow the league here

The opposition put in a cracking shot at our goal and the ball hit the bottom of the crossbar and it somehow or other bounced back up and hit the crossbar again before someone was able to clear it away. It is hard to think it didn’t actually cross the line if I am honest, but then I was standing by the other goal, in completely the wrong place – as usual - but, well, I can still have an opinion can’t I? Everybody else had one that’s for sure.

Still, it all evened up when a free kick was awarded against SZU. The opposition lobbed the ball into the net while the SZU team were holding a philosophical discussion with the referee about the merits or otherwise of his decision. SZU may have won the debate for all I know – but they lost the match! Just click on the picture again to see more.

(Finally: remember that you can see what’s on in ‘The Beacon’ area by looking at the Events Calendar by clicking here.)

Robin Tilley - May 2007

Technical note: Aplogies for the late publication this month - this is entirely my (Rob Herridge) fault for being too busy. Robin got his copy in on time.

Additional Note: We finallly have some pictures from last year's Summer Ball - click here. Tickets for this years Ball go oin sale on June 1st.