Spring Update - We're Back!
Spring 2008

The site is a little bit broken at the moment, I'm working on it - Rob

We're Back! I apologise for the recent lack of updates, but I gave up editing the website for Lent! Robin is not to blame in any way (I promised him I'd say that). Since I've missed a couple of the monthly updates, I will calling this one the "Spring Issue". The site will update every month again from now on - with the approach of summer there should be a few more events for us to cover.

Robin has passed on a few photos with commentary that I should have put on the site ages ago, so I'll just lead straight into them. He's much better at this writing stuff anyway!

Rob Herridge - April 2008

King's Arms Brawlers
King's Arms Brawlers in Hatherleigh

The Kings Brawlers in Hatherleigh on the 6th January. Hatherleigh being Hatherleigh the sight of a bunch of mediaeval dancers in their square was hardly out of the ordinary, and they mucked in, along with some wiry marathon cyclists who stopped for a rest (so they thought) with the inclusive dances. The whole was followed by a slap up lunch at The George.

On the 17th January 'Mariners Away' had their first outing – although the use of that word might be regarded as unfortunate as there were quite a few dressed in sailors' rigs. 'Gusto' is a word I associate with the evening and it is most unfortunate that I have no sound to give you a flavour of how much everyone enjoyed themselves – the pictures don't really convey the enthusiasm and rollicking that went on.

"Mariners Away"
Hurdy Gurdy Night
The Hurdy Gurdies

A week later on the 24th in The Kings Arms the Mariners appeared again somewhat impromptu(ly) with Nick's hurdy gurdy group with fiddles pipes and other instruments. What do you call a group of hurdy gurdies I wonder…? A groan, a moan, a scrape, maybe? I am sure Nick will know. In an interlude between all of the music Titch did one of his brilliant monologues. I cannot for the life of me remember what the story was - if indeed there was one - but it was most entertaining, and I can hear it new all over again one day! He has the family gift.

On the 26th January there was a gathering of Scouts – what do you call a gathering of Scouts I wonder ...a woggle maybe? – in The Kings Arms. The purpose was to express everyone's thanks to Mike and Caroline for leading the group – or woggle - for 15 years or so. At the risk of embarrassing them I can confirm that the opinion was that they had shown extraordinary commitment to the organisation, well beyond that which most of the rest of us could muster put together, for all those years and had done so with good grace, patience, tolerance and ability. I dare not say more as they are not leaving the village!

Scout Gathering
Scout Gathering

Robin Tilley - January 2008